[Englecturers] Help! Need H.G. Wells topics for English 4

Benedict Jones bkjones at san.rr.com
Sun Oct 15 09:40:29 PDT 2006

Hi, all. I am currently trying to put together a take-home essay topic 
for English 4 on Wells's /Time Machine./ This will be a 200-point paper 
of at least 5 pages long. Can anyone help with paper topics? In the 
past, I taught English 4A and 4B, but I always used nonfiction books for 
the "big paper." I must confess, I am not sure how to incorporate a work 
of fiction into this class.

I am particularly interested in topics that deal with evolution and/or 
social institutions, but I'm open to any suggestions at all.

I plan to have my students read an excerpt from Darwin's /Origin of 
Species/ in preparation for the evolution issues, and I will lecture 
some on the other issues of the day. If anyone has any suggestions for 
other outside readings (for me or for my students), I would be happy to 
hear about those, too.

Benedict Jones

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