[Englecturers] To Basic Writing Instructors

Pre-Raphaelite M. pre-raphaelite at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 29 14:51:44 PST 2006

Hello Everyone!

We've been getting some questions about the supplementary readings for this quarter's final. They are found in Part IV of Write It, so there won't be any need to photocopy for your students. The two readings are "A World Not Neatly Divided" by Amartyr Sen and "The New Community" by Amitai Etzione. 

Also, the pre-norming lunch will be here in the WRC at noon on the 11th. (Our required norming is at 2pm.) I shall be making a butternut squash soup with cheese ravioli. It is a vegitarrean recipe; but don't worry, carnivores, as it is very hearty. Accompanying the soup will be some nice crusty bread and butter, our typical selection of sodas and sugary desserts!

We are asking for the normal $5 for the lunch and you can pay me directly or slip it in a sealed envelop with your name on it under my door.

The room assignments are posted around the department and copies have been placed into your dept. mail boxes. Any further questions can be directed to me, Linda, or Kathy.

Megan Fowler

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