[Englecturers] Lecturer Profile Reminder

Lash Keith Vance lashv at ucr.edu
Fri Nov 17 09:49:47 PST 2006

  Greetings Fellow Lecturers,

  I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone
  to please send me a lecturer profile to be posted to
  the English Department website.  As was mentioned
  before, this is important for our status in the
  Department, and it may provide our union
  representatives with additional leverage in the
  upcoming contract negotiations.  If they can point
  to the website profiles and allude to the extensive
  experience and achievements of the non-senate
  faculty, they will have an additional card to play
  in the game.  I know everyone is busy, but we need
  to have a more robust, public face.


  So far, I have received 4 lecturer profiles, so
  please take the time to cut/paste material from your
  CVs into the template included with this email.  A
  digital picture would be highly useful, for we can
  mount these next to the names on the site (if you
  don't have a digital picture, I can take one for
  you.  Just contact me to set up an appointment).  I
  need to have the profiles by Monday, November 20th
  in order to compile them all together to be posted
  before Winter break.




  Keith Vance

  Lecturer Representative 


  Greetings All:

  Your lecturer representatives, Keith Vance and
  Wallace Cleaves, would like to invite you to submit
  material for the Department website.  After
  conferring with Katherine Kinney and Susan Brown, we
  agreed that lecturer profiles, modelled on the
  tenure-track faculty template, should be posted. 
  This will both help the Department in its national
  ranking and help us in our professional image on


  Now, we know that many of you have done many
  interesting things, published scholarly articles,
  participated in conferences, developed curriculum,
  innovated classroom practices, and taught at
  numerous institutions.  This is the time for you to
  show this face to the public and get the respect and
  recognition that you richly deserve.


  So, this is what should be done by the DUE DATE of
  MONDAY, November 20th.  In this way, the profiles
  can be completed before the Winter break:


  1) Look at the Department website (faculty
  profiles).  You can see what these profiles
  currently look like. 


  2) Create a biography. Please see the template
  below.  Some of these fields you need to fill in. 
  The other fields are optional.


  3) Email me, Keith Vance, at lashv at ucr.edu with your
  Word document attached.  Please put in the subject
  don't need any other text.


  4) Find a suitable digital photo of yourself which
  you will want to display on the website.  Upload
  that to me in a SEPARATE FILE and use the following
  PROFILE; if you do not have a digital photo, you can
  come to my office (HMNSS 1103C) on M W or F from
  8-12, and I'll take one for you.


  ***Please read and follow these steps because we'll
  need to compile upwards of 27 files, so a systematic
  approach will really help in doing this.


  Take care,

  Keith Vance and Wallace Cleaves


  |       Biographies Must Include These Items       |
  |Name                                            | |
  |Your degree(s) and location you got them from   | |
  |Your UCR Email Address (personal email can be   | |
  |added as well)                                  | |
  |office number                                   | |
  |office telephone                                | |
  |       Biographies May Include These Items        |
  |General Description                             | |
  |Courses Taught                                  | |
  |Teaching Methodology                            | |
  |Specialization                                  | |
  |Published Work or Conferences Attended          | |
  |Awards or Honors                                | |

Lash Keith Vance, Ph.D., MEd
Director of Computer Assisted Instruction
Department of English
University of California, Riverside

Office: 1103C HMNSS
Phone: 951-827-4832
Email : lashv at ucr.edu
or lashervan at hotmail.com
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