[Englecturers] Fwd: Submissions Deadline for Two of Three Conference Seminars Extended to June 30

John Briggs jcbriggs at ucr.edu
Fri May 12 14:33:10 PDT 2006

>>> From John Briggs:
>>     This just in from the Association of Literary Scholars and 
>> Critics.  The Fall meeting will be in San Francisco.  Non-members are 
>> encouraged to consider this opportunity.
>>>Call for Papers
>>>May 12, 2006
>>>The ALSC Conference Committee has re-issued its call for papers for the 
>>>two of the seminar sections of the 2006 ALSC Conference Program. The 
>>>third seminar is not open for submissions at this time, nor are the panels.
>>>The submissions deadline for seminars one and two have been extended to 
>>>June 30.
>>>Additional prospective members and current members alike are heartily 
>>>invited to apply. Please see below for details.
>>>2006 Seminars
>>>The 2006 Conference in San Francisco will continue the tradition 
>>>established in 2004 of offering seminars designed to increase 
>>>participation of the membership in the conference and give them another 
>>>excellent reason for attending. Modeled on what has worked successfully 
>>>for such organizations as the Shakespeare Association of America and the 
>>>Modernist Studies Association, these three seminars will each be led by 
>>>a distinguished member of the Association.
>>>Each seminar will have fifteen (15) guaranteed places, and each person 
>>>accepted for a seminar will receive an official letter of invitation to 
>>>the conference and will be listed in its program. Seminar participants 
>>>will write brief position papers (2-4 pages maximum, double-spaced), and 
>>>will circulate their papers to the other participants and read all the 
>>>papers prior to the conference. The listing of the titles in the 
>>>conference program should help participants obtain travel funding for 
>>>the conference from their home colleges and universities. Senior 
>>>scholars are eligible to apply for these seminars, but graduate students 
>>>and junior faculty especially are encouraged to do so; and we hope that 
>>>senior scholars and others will spread the word and encourage their 
>>>graduate students and junior colleagues to apply. The three seminars 
>>>will run concurrently. Those admitted as participants in each seminar 
>>>will participate in the actual discussion, but anyone at the conference 
>>>is welcome to attend one of the seminars as an auditor­not a 
>>>participant­provided there is sufficient room.
>>>Submission form and deadline. A few places remain in each of the two 
>>>noted seminars, and the deadline is hereby extended to June 30, with 
>>>applicants advised to send in their abstracts as soon as possible. 
>>>Abstracts should be no longer than a paragraph or half a page. They 
>>>should be submitted only by e-mail, to both (1) the chair of the panel 
>>>or seminar and (2) the Association's office at 
>>><mailto:alsc at bu.edu>alsc at bu.edu. On the e-mail's Subject line please 
>>>give your name and other information in the form, "ALSC 2006, [name of 
>>>the session] abstract by [your name]."
>>>Association membership is required for participation in the conference. 
>>>Student memberships cost $25 (proof of student status is required). 
>>>Standard new memberships cost $35 for the first calendar year. Visit 
>>>for details on ALSC membership. Visit 
>>>to access our secure online form for membership subscription.
>>>Seminar One: Pleasures of the Imagination in Science Fiction
>>>Chair: Paul K. Alkon (University of Southern California)
>>>This seminar will focus on the imaginative pleasures of science fiction 
>>>rather than on its didactic concerns or its uses as grist for the 
>>>cultural-studies mills. What in fact are the imaginative pleasures of 
>>>science fiction (if any)? How are they manifested and to what ends? 
>>>Please send abstracts of papers that address these and related questions 
>>>by concentrating on a single noteworthy work of science fiction to Paul 
>>>K. Alkon, Department of English, University of Southern California, Los 
>>>Angeles, CA 90089-0354. (<mailto:alkon at usc.edu>alkon at usc.edu)
>>>Seminar Two: The Personal Voice in Literary Criticism
>>>Chair: James W. Earl (English, University of Oregon).
>>>This seminar will discuss the use (and abuse) of the personal voice in 
>>>literary criticism. What limits on self-presentation should we observe 
>>>in our critical writing? When is the flagrantly subjective voice 
>>>justified? When does literary criticism become opinion, personal essay, 
>>>or belles lettres? Who are the best (and worst) examples? Anyone 
>>>interested in participating should send an abstract to James W. Earl, 
>>>Department of English, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 
>>>(<mailto:jwearl at uoregon.edu>jwearl at uoregon.edu)
>>>Conference Program Committee:
>>>Tom Clayton, Chair, University of Minnesota
>>>M.J. Fitzgerald, University of Minnesota
>>>Jay L. Halio, University of Delaware
>>>Dan Hooley, University of Missouri
>>>Barbara Packer, UCLA
>>>Caterina Salabè, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
>>>Graduate students:
>>>John M. Oliver, University of California, Santa Barbara
>>>Robert Stark, University of Minnesota
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