[Englecturers] It's my party and I'll cry if i want to

Dane Barca danebarca at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 11:43:10 PDT 2006

Now more than before, Dane and Al are older than you. Joint birthday party.

It is that time again. For those of you that missed, or in all
likelihood completely blacked out during, last year's annual
mid-summer birthday kegger and debauch, you have one final chance to
get in on the decadence and bacchanalia that we have come to call
home. This will be a dress-up affair where you dress up like whichever
Family Guy cameo your heart desires. Possible choices include Squeaky
Fromme, Gerald Ford, flapper, Annette Funicello, Stiv Bators, Adam
West, Monica Lewinski, and of course greased-up naked guy. We will
have beer and a couple of bears for those so inclined. Dane is going
to be old, and Al is going to be older. Come and help us drink that
reality away. Last year's kitchen utensil melee will be topped in some
fashion. This Saturday at seven, 425 Glenhill Drive, 650 281 4556.
Feel free to tell all of your friends except for that lame guy
everyone hates. Come, drink and be merry, and rest assured that no one
will remember a thing. You are invited.

danebarca at gmail.com

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