[Englecturers] Van to Irvine for Lecture by Paul Strohm

John Ganim john.ganim at ucr.edu
Tue Jan 31 11:23:31 PST 2006

Paul Strohm, probably the most influential figure in medieval English 
literary study, is speaking at UC Irvine on Monday February 6. His 
schedule is too tight to come out to Riverside, but he, and Elizabeth 
Allen, of Irvine, have graciously invited us to go there. I have 
rented a van to leave for UCI at the flagpole in the front of 
Hinderaker turnaround at 2:00 PM. So far, I have the following people 
signed up. Please let me know if you wish to join us:

John Ganim
Nadia Guth
Leona Fisher
Joanna Scott
Wallace Cleaves



>Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:54:32 -0800
>From: Elizabeth Allen <eallen at uci.edu>
>To: humfaculty at uci.edu, much-ado at uci.edu
>Cc: llee at media.ucla.edu, john.ganim at ucr.edu
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
>X-Junkmail-Whitelist: YES (by domain whitelist at sentry.ucr.edu)
>The Series in Medieval Studies presents
>William B. Ransford Professor of Medieval Literature
>Columbia University
>4:00 PM
>Monday, February 6, 2006
>135 Humanities Instructional Building
>Free and open to the public
>Sponsored by the International Center for Writing and Translation,
>the Department of English,
>the Humanities Center, and the Humanities Dean
>Paul Strohm joined the Columbia faculty in fall 2003, and was 
>formerly J.R.R. Tolkien Professor of English Language and Literature 
>at the University of Oxford. His area of principal interest is 
>medieval literature with a recent emphasis on transitions from 
>'medieval' to 'early modern.' His teaching and research have 
>concerned the 'affiliated text,' with special attention to 
>textuality and history and to genre and social change. Publications 
>include: Social Chaucer (Harvard, 1989, 1994); Hochon's Arrow: The 
>Social Imagination of Fourteenth-Century Texts (Princeton, 1992); 
>England's Empty Throne: Usurpation and Textual Legitimation, 
>1399-1422 (Yale UK, 1998); Theory and the Premodern Text (Minnesota, 
>2000); Politique: Languages of Statecraft Between Chaucer and 
>Shakespeare (Notre Dame, 2005).

John M. Ganim
Professor of English
Department of English
University of California, Riverside
900 University Avenue
Riverside CA 92521
TEL (951) 827-1540
FAX (951) 827-3967
EMAIL John.Ganim at UCR.EDU

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