[Englecturers] Vive la bele! Galaunts, Goods, and Masculinity in Medieval England

John Ganim john.ganim at ucr.edu
Mon Apr 24 09:16:24 PDT 2006

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>Vive la bele!
>Galaunts, Goods, and Masculinity in Medieval England
>A Talk by Andrea Denny-Brown
>Professor of English, UCR
>Time: Tuesday, April 25, 2006, 11:15AM
>Location: Humanities 1500
>This talk will focus on the often-satirized figure of the
>medieval “galaunt,” or gallant, as the embodiment of late
>medieval changes in perceptions of consumer culture and
>masculinity. Myriad references to gallants in plays,
>chronicles, and poems point to the importance of this
>personage in late medieval attempts to understand new forms of
>materialism and self-representation.  As these depictions
>show, while late medieval vestimentary discourses typically
>attempt to harness clothing’s new shapes, manifold colors, and
>ever-changing accessories to familiar terms of divisiveness,
>instability, and femininity, they also reveal more distinctly
>“modern,” forward-looking notions about the individual and
>cultural capacity for self-fashioning.
>Andrea Denny-Brown is currently working on a book entitled
>Material Desires: Fortune, Fashion, and the Medieval Self,
>which examines the rise of and literary response to a
>particular form of materialism in the devalued
>material world of the European Middle Ages.  Recent and
>upcoming articles include “Povre Griselda and the
>All-Consuming Archewyves” in Studies in the Age of Chaucer,
>“How Philosophy Matters: Sex, Death, Clothes, & Boethius” in
>Medieval Fabrications: Dress, Textiles, Clothwork, and Other
>Cultural Imaginings, and “Rips & Slits: Fashion and the
>Medieval Self” in Clothing Culture 1300-1600.  Her research
>has been supported by the American Association of University
>Women (AAUW), the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship
>Foundation, the North American Council on British Studies
>(NACBS), and the Huntington Library.
>Sponsor: UCR Mellon workshops
>Contact Information:
>For more information concerning this specific event contact:
>spectacles_of_masculinity at hotmail.com
>Ian Chambers
>Department of History
>University of California, Riverside
>CA 92521
>e-mail: ian.chambers at email.ucr.edu
>tel - Work: (951) 827-3357
>fax - Work: (951) 827-3358

John M. Ganim
Professor of English
Department of English
University of California, Riverside
900 University Avenue
Riverside CA 92521
TEL (951) 827-1540
FAX (951) 827-3967
EMAIL John.Ganim at UCR.EDU

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