[Englecturers] Narnia Conference

svonkco at netzero.net svonkco at netzero.net
Sun Apr 2 14:03:27 PDT 2006

Dear fellow English Lecturers,

We are rapidly approaching the deadline for submissions to our "Through the Wardrobe: A Narnia Conference," our follow-up to our Pottermania Conference last year, and while we have received many fine submissions from both local and distant scholars, I wanted to let you, my colleagues, know that there is still some room for a few more papers from UCR lecturers.  If you are interested in joining us, but just haven't had the time to send me an abstract, please email me and let me know that you are interested.  If I know what your topic is and know that an abstract is coming any day now, I might be able to hold a spot for you.  Barring that, I hope that you will all be able to join us for this one-day conference on Friday, May 5, once again at UC Riverside's Humanities 1500.


Craig Svonkin

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