[Englecturers] Information about English 1ABC

englecturers at lists.ucr.edu englecturers at lists.ucr.edu
Wed Sep 21 13:43:33 PDT 2005


The summer seems to have come to a dramatic end with "a flash of 
lightning. Then a damp gust / Bringing rain." I hope this will be a 
productive year for all of you and I am looking forward to seeing you 
during Orientation next week.

You should have received an email with the Fall 2005 Orientation 
Schedule. You may have noticed that this year, the General 
Informational Session (Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1:00-3:00, 1501 HMNSS) is 
followed by a Panel Discussion on Best Practices in Comp Teaching. 
Actually, we hope that all of you (Lecturers and TAs) will plan to give 
a 5 minute presentation of one of your many best practices. Some of the 
topics you might consider addressing are how you organize collaborative 
groups, how you use reading questions, how you use the St. Martin's 
Guide Invention questions as in-class writing and discussion 
activities, how you develop reading quizzes, how you deal with 
sentence-level problems, how you manage the paper load, or how you 
integrate the single-author text into your course. This is the only 
opportunity during the year that we all get to be in the same place at 
the same time, so John and I want to make this occasion a celebration 
of your creativity and professionalism.

To help us continue sharing best practices, we now have a wiki page (a 
Web site where anyone can add or edit documents) called UCRComposition. 
Thanks to Gray Scott's, we have put up some basic documents such as the 
Fall Orientation Schedule, the English 1ABC book lists and 
descriptions, Links to Student Judicial Affairs for reporting 
plagiarism, and some boilerplate language you might want to adapt for 
your syllabus. The wiki is located at 
http://ucrcomposition.pbwiki.com/index.php?wiki=FrontPage. The password 
for entry is "rivera" (as in our library). I hope you will find this 
Web site useful and that you will contribute to it. Please post things 
like sample syllabi, quizzes, assignments, reading questions, and other 
materials you have developed for your courses. It is so easy to cut and 
paste or upload documents that even I can do it.

Enjoy the remaining moments of summer,

Rise B. Axelrod
Professor and Director of Composition
rise.axelrod at ucr.edu
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