[Englecturers] FYI: Vietnam War Literature/Film (Hawaii) (8/15/05; 11/8/05-11/10/05)

englecturers at lists.ucr.edu englecturers at lists.ucr.edu
Sun Jul 10 12:55:54 PDT 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cfp at lists.sas.upenn.edu [mailto:owner-cfp at lists.sas.upenn.edu]
On Behalf Of Mark Heberle
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 12:12 AM
To: cfp at english.upenn.edu
Subject: CFP: Vietnam War Literature/Film (Hawaii) (8/15/05;

The Vietnam War in Literature and Film
	In commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of the end of the
American war in Viet Nam, potential contributors are invited to submit
papers, abstracts, and proposals for a conference to be held in Honolulu
during Veterans Day week 2005 (November 7-10) that will include scholarly
panels, readings by American and Vietnamese authors, film showings, and
featured presentations by Philip Beidler, Andrew Lam, Wayne Karlin, and Tim
O'Brien.  Panel discussions will be held at the Imin Conference Center on
the campus of the University of Hawai'i at Mnoa, with readings, films, and
other public events either on-campus or at suitable venues elsewhere on
Oahu.  Final versions of suitable panel papers may be submitted for a volume
of essays assessing the value and significance of literary and related
cultural productions that were generated by the war and that continue to be
worth the attention of literary artists, critics, and scholars as well as
the public more generally. Potential conference contributors should address
themselves to one or more of the following general questions:

* What are the most significant and enduring literary works and writers
  (fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction prose) to emerge  from the Vietnam
* What important distinctions can be made between significant American (or
  other Western) and   Vietnamese literary representations of the war in
  Viet Nam?
* How have such works influenced literature that is not tied to the war
  What part do they play within or how have they influenced literary
* If there is a canon of Vietnam War literature, what do such works
  What works outside such a canon need to be more fully considered?
* Is Vietnam likely to be a subject of present or future literary
  production? In what ways?
* What was the impact of Vietnam upon American (or other) filmmakers?
  What are the most significant and enduring works?
* What was its impact upon other cultural productions?  (television,
  music, art, photography, sculpture and architecture, clothing, popular
culture more

Papers in the following areas would be most welcome: American poetry,
American drama, American creative nonfiction, American fiction by writers
other than Tim O'Brien.  Potential contributors are invited to contact Mark
Heberle, Acting Chair and the conference organizer, with proposals,
abstracts, outlines, papers or portions of papers by August 15 via letter,
e-mail, phone, or fax at any of the following:

Department of English		heberle at hawaii.edu
University of Hawai'i at Manoa	(808) 	956-3088 (to Aug. 2), 956-3032
1733 Donaghho Road			956-7619 (departmental office)
Honolulu, HI  96822		        956-3032 (departmental fax

Final papers/abstracts are due Oct. 1

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                        CFP at english.upenn.edu
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj at english.upenn.edu

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