[Englecturers] (dis)junctions 2005

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Fri Apr 8 00:00:13 PDT 2005

                (DIS)JUNCTIONS 2005

Hello Everyone:

As a former co-chair of (dis)junctions (with Cara Cardinale in 2003), I am 
proud to announce yet another year of this graduate conference.  It is being 
run by Jenni Keys and Tina Stavropoulos this year, and with a whole lot of 
sacrifice and effort put into this, we can be sure to see a great conference 
because of their attention to detail.  Beth Ptalis will be serving great 
food in the morning (at 8am), great food during the day and a wonderful 
buffet at night after Judith Halberstam gives her keynote, 'Dude, Where's My 
Theory? The Politics of Knowledge in the Age of Stupidity'.  Susan Kozel 
will be on hand as part of the globel_interface Mellon workshop the 
following day.  Professor Toby Miller will be present on Saturday to give a 
lecture.  Also, there will be another showing of independent and avant-garde 
films for CINtax to round things out.

Sounds like a riot?  For more information, check their snazzy website at



Matthew Snyder


Friday, April 8
8:00-9:00 Opening Remarks: Dr. Katherine Kinney, English Department Chair
9:00-9:20 Registration & Check In
Representation and Presence of Absence

Moderator: Sharon Tohline

Magdalene Frye "Blindness and Invitation: Textual Movement and the Mourning 
of Woman" Marshall University

Elizabeth Lurie "Semiotic Sadness: Ruth's Failure to Individuate in 
Marilynne Robinson's Housekeeping" California State University, Stanislaus

Christy Russell "The Presence of Absence: Representation, Abjection and 
Mobilization in the Photography of David Wojnarowicz" University of 
California, Riverside

Moderator: Ryan Randall

Kelan Koning & Rita Hermann "Code" California State University, Northridge

Tom Dobrowolsky "Painted Walls" University of Washington

Elizabeth Spies "Advertising Stigmatas" University of California, Riverside
African-American Literature from Diaspora to the Harlem Renaissance (1)

Moderator: Dr. Vorris Nunley

Valerie Solar "Love and Politics: Sutton Griggs's Imperium in Imperio" 
University of California, Riverside

Jack Beckham II "The Function of Doubles in Sutton Griggs's Imperium in 
Imperio" University of California, Riverside

Davina Padgett "Ideological Boundaries: The Limits of Reality in The Marrow 
of Tradition" California State University, San Bernardino
The Asian-American Body in Action Films

Moderator: Merry Mariano

Phil Yu "The Importance of Being Bruce: From Superhero to Stereotype in 
American Popular Culture" University of Southern California

Tom Galaraga "Current Representations of Asian-Americans Betray the 
Demographic They Attempt to Address" University of Southern California

Robin H. Kim "The Films of Ang Lee" Courtuald Institute of Art
MMORPGs: At the Boundaries of the Virtual
Moderator: Beth Ptalis

Robert Buerkle "Shifty 'I's': Multiple Selves and Modes of Identification in 
MMOGs" University of Southern California

Joshua Call "City of Actors: Performing Identity in On-Line Gaming" 
University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Christine Cruz-Boone "A World of Gender War: A Textual Analysis of MMORPG 
World of WarCraft" California State University, Northridge
Demystifying the Creation of the Novel
Moderator: Vrunda Sahay

Zachary Sifuentes "Created Chemistries: William S. Burroughs and the Textual 
Opiate" University of Miami

Scott Drake "…Text Reading Text Reading Text…: Locating Authority in Lot 49 
and Gravity's Rainbow" Simon Fraser University

Sacha Moore "'Written words could tell him who he was': Authorial 
Authenticity in Don DeLillo's Mao II" California State University, Fullerton
Love Unbound: Postcolonial
Moderator: Jenni Keys

Farah Moosa "Transgressing Love Laws: Arundhati Roy's The God of Small 
Things and Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake" Simon Fraser University

Mariam Durrani "Love, Deceit and Devastation in Moth Smoke" University of 
New Mexico

Delores Amorelli "'How Much Land Does a Woman Need?: Land(e)scapes in 
Margaret Atwood's Surfacing and The Handmaid's Tale" University of South 
Sexuality Will Not Be Put Aside
Moderator: Dr. George Haggerty

Dane Barca "The Hot Hand Seeking to Repress What Would Master Him: Whitman, 
Mutual Masturbatory Metaphysics" University of California, Riverside

Nicole McFarlane "Discourse on the Down Low" North Carolina Agricultural and 
Technical State University

Kim Palmore "Fears, Jeers, and Queers: Homosexuality in Film Constructed for 
the Male Gaze" University of California, Riverside
African-American Writers and the Gaze
Moderator: Zina Rodriguez

Courtney Johnson "Black Lesbian Spectatorship in Cheryl Dunye's Stranger 
Inside" University of California, Los Angeles

Danna Voth "Including Gender in Diasporic and Postcolonial Interrogations of 
Home" California State University, Fullerton

Emily Anderson "Dangerous Looks and Visual Pleasure: The Gaze in Nella 
Larsen's Quicksand and Passing" University of California, Riverside
Gothic Literature and Sexuality

Moderator: Christy Russell

Cindy Murillo "Haunted Spaces and Powerful Places: Reconfiguring the 
Dopplegänger in Charlotte Dacre's Zofloya" University of New Mexico

Johanna Wagner "Excessive Homosocial Desire, Homosexual Panic, and Violence 
in Bram Stoker's Dracula" Arizona State University

Heather Latimer "(En)countering Abjection: The Abortion and (Re)creation of 
Frankenstein's Female Monster" Simon Fraser University

Pamela Paulson "Thrashing Tess" California State University, San Marcos
The Asian-American Body Beyond the Action Film

Moderator: Merry Mariano

January Lim "Clothes Make the (Wo)man: Race, Gender, and Desire in M. 
Butterfly" University of Alberta

Anjali Asrani "Bend it Like Beckham: A Critical Film Analysis of South Asian 
Diasporic Subjectivities and Neocolonial Uses of Multiculturalism" San 
Francisco State University

Mary Song "Hiroshima mon amour: An Untellable Tale?" University of 
California, Riverside
The Designer Nation
Moderator: Helen Lovejoy

Andrew Edward Rosenblum "Left-Wing Individualism in America: Matthiessen and 
the Example of Thoreau" University of California, Los Angeles

Jennifer Liddell "'The Suppressed Farce:' Mark Twain's Social Pessimism in 
Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins" California State 
University, Fullerton

Melissa Couchon "Americanized Beauty: Hairstule and Skin Color in 
Hemingway's Garden of Eden" UNC-Chapel Hill

Kotaro Nagasaki "Re-Discovering of America: Mark Twain and Imperialism" 
Tokiwa University, Japan
Alternative Landscapes

Moderator: Tina Stavropoulos

Steven & Maja Teref "Novica Tadic" Columbia College, Chicago and Truman 

Elizabeth Boyne "'There is Nothing but Song': The Poetry of David Mura and 
its Relation to the Silent History of Japanese American Internment" 
University of St. Thomas

Anjali Nerlekar "The Pi-dog or the Black Horse: Choices in Mumbai's 

Lauren A. Rule "Colonialism's Repressed Return in Filmic Form: Locating 
Miscegenation's Ghosts in the Gaps of Postcolonial Memory" Emory University
Guns and Gals
Moderator: : Matthew Snyder

Sharon Tohline "Angel in the Shell: Finding Victorian Women in Contemporary 
Film" University of California, Riverside

Giuliano Bettanin "Objectification vs. Hybridity: Body and Gender in Mamoru 
Oshii's Ghost in the Shell" Universit degli Studi di Padova (Italy)

Kim Bowers "Tap Dancing into our Hearts: Analyzing the Popularity of 
Chicago's Female Killers" University of Texas, Arlington
12:20-2:00 Lunch
Hybridity and Anticolonial Writing
Moderator: Katy Webber

Dino Buenviaje "Literature as Anti-Colonialism: Comparing Chinua Achebe with 
Jose Rizal" University of California, Riverside

Marco Katz "Forgive the Stain of my Blood on this Land" Humboldt State 

Yumi Kinoshita "Politics of Hybridity: Embracing the American 
Neo-Imperialism" University of California, Santa Barbara
Conspiracy, Time Travel, and Schizophrenia
Moderator: : Jeremy Kaye

Daniel Peterman "Structure and Schizophrenia: A Rhizomatic Exploration
of Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum" California State University, Long 

Matt Bernstein "The Carnivalesque in the Works of Vonnegut" California State 
University, Northridge

Scott Ross "General Relativity, Existentialism, and Vonnegut's 
Slaughterhouse Five" Brigham Young University
Victoria(n)'s Secrets
Moderator: Dr. Susan Zieger

Susan Obarski "Skirting an 'Obscene Libel' in Late Victorian England: 
Beardsley, Zola, and Wilde's Salome" University of California, Riverside

Joshua Rafael Rodriguez "Indiscretions of a Streetwalker: The Closet and 
Homosexual Panic in Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde" 
University of California, Riverside

Jenni Keys "Unveiling Miss Wade: Raging Against the Victorian Machine" 
University of California, Riverside
Dictee (1)
Moderator: Sheila Bare

Sheila Bare "(Re)Membering Mother/(Re)Narrating Myth: Mother, Memory and 
Resistance in Cha's Dictee" University of California, Riverside

Beatriz Calder "Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee: The Voice of Silence" 
Universidad de Leon

Michelle Wester "The Nine Mother's of Dictee" Claremont Graduate University
History and African-American Literature
Moderator: Kody Lightfoot

Ainsworth Clarke "DuBois's Historiography, or, Autobiography in the Plural 
Form" Cornell University

Erica R. Edwards "Re-Visions of Exodus: Toni Morrison's Paradise" Duke 

Daniel Vollaro "A New Life for Frederick Douglass' Slave Narrative: Breaking 
Free of the Historicist Trap" Georgia State University
Keeping Poetic Records
Moderator: Richard Hishmeh

Elizabeth Spies "Advertising Stigmatas" University of California, Riverside

Helen Lovejoy "'The room with the staring windows will again closet you': 
Containment and Subversion of Female Spaces in Cold War Sestinas by Women" 
University of California, Riverside

Brigid Aileen Milligan "Hindsight is 20/20: Judith Wright as a cultural 
historian of Aborginal Memory" New York University
Politicized Aesthetics
Moderator: Valerie Solar

Michael Lopez "Prompting the Prompt"

Jo Scott-Coe "'Course Contents' from essay collection, Doing Athena in 
Different Voices" University of California, Riverside

Alegra Marcel Bartzat "Poems on the Book" San Diego State University

Sharon Tohline "A Mighty Genius of Construction: Locating Subjective 
Permanence in William Thackeray's Vanity Fair" University of California, 
Literature and Justice
Moderator: Jasmine Payne

Jennifer Krusinger Martin "Wild Thyme, Wild Justice, and Wild Art: William 
Blake's Relationship with Rational Justice and Artistic Modes of Production" 
Northeastern University

Alastair Hunt "The Rhetoric of Species" University of Oregon
Computing Sexuality
Moderator: Jack Beckham II

Brad Borevitz "Sexing the Machine" University of California, San Diego

Zabet Patterson "Sex Art and Surveillance: Thinking Online Pornography"

Kelly Cooper "Sexuality and Consumerism: Towards an Ethics of Pornography" 
George Washington University
City Spaces: Remapping the City
Moderator: Dr. John Ganim

Veronica Kirk-Clausen "Palimpsestic San Francisco" University of California, 
Santa Cruz

Kelly Minerva "Redefining London's Space in Salman Rushdie's The Satanic 
Verses" University of Toronto

Elizabeth Spies "Paris, Urbanism, and the Landscape of the Mapped Body" 
University of California, Riverside
Dictee (2)
Moderator: Mary Song

Christina Diaz "Your Womanhood is your Refuge" California State University, 

Helen Ditouras "'Textual Condition(s)': Material Texts and Interpretive 
Strategies in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee" Wayne State University

Sung Hee Yook "The Traumatic Memory of Postcolonial Subjects: Theresa Hak 
Kyung Cha's Dictee and Nora Keller's Comfort Women" Graduate Center, City 
University of New York
Creative Works

Moderator: Hank Scotch

Debra van Hulsteyn "Victorianism, The Passenger Pigeon, and Human Action" 
California State University, Sacramento

Tara Prescott "Sestinas and Selected Poems" Claremont Graduate University

Elizabeth Venable "Irish Dancing in Color: Racial and Ethnic Relations in 
American Irish Dancing Culture" University of California, Riverside

Connie Suddath "Snowflakes" California State University, Sacramento
Pleasure and Theoretical (Mis)reading
Moderator: Dr. Carole-Ann Tyler

Elissa Weeks "Composition, Rhetoric and Jouissance" University of 
California, Riverside

Matthew James Vechinski "Pleasure of the Text or the Desire for the Work?: 
Blanchot and Barthes on Reading" University of Washington, Seattle

Crystal Brownell "Gender and Desire in Wide Sargasso Sea and The Lover" San 
Diego State University
5:00-6:00 Keynote Speaker: Judith Halberstam (Humanities 400/University 
6:00 Reception (Humanities 2211)

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