[DUC] (dis)junctions and CINtax

Dance Under Construction . dance_under_construction at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 31 13:15:54 PST 2006

Hello.  (dis)junctions - UCR's English department
graduate student conference is scheduled for the same
weekend as DUC and we are planning to coordinate
events between to two conferences.  Following
(dis)junctions on Saturday April, 8th is CINtax - a
graduate student film festival.  This film forum is
very interested in breaking down boundaries between
various disciplines as well as between art and theory,
practicioners and academics.  They invite film
submissions from DUC conference participants as well
as from dance filmmakers.  Please see the attached

(dis)junctions: lost in translation


desperately seeking cinema

the 4th Annual CINtax Film Forum

at the University of California, Riverside

April 8th, 2006

We're grad students looking to bridge the gap between
artists and academics. 

After a film screening there will be a roundtable

Filmmaker attendance is optional but encouraged.

Submissions should be from 1-30 minutes in length in
DVD or VHS formats. 

Themes can include (but are not limited to):
machinima, cinematic space and time, interaction
between music and image, science and film, theory in
practice, borders, bodies, citizenship, erotics,
transcultural moments, and the virtual. 

We are interested in films spanning a wide variety of

such as documentaries, mockumentaries, experimental,
narrative, and animated films. We are equally
interested in films that complicate genres. 

There is no entry fee. Submissions should arrive by
March 3rd, 2006.

Preview tapes (on DVD or VHS) along with an abstract
(one-page max)

that includes contact information and running time
should be mailed to:

Department of English     

University of California, Riverside

Riverside, CA 92521-0323

*If you would like your preview tapes returned, you
must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

For more information, visit our website at:

Or e-mail us at: cintaxucr at gmail.com

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