[DUC] DUC8 - Call for Volunteers - take 2

Dance Under Construction . dance_under_construction at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 3 23:38:01 PDT 2006

hello.  hope you all are doing well.  just wanted to
send some more detailed information about volunteering
for duc...

we would like at least one graduate student at the
registration table throughout both friday and saturday
since people will be coming and going.  we've divided
the day into 1 hour shifts, so hopefully no one person
will be stuck at the table all day.

we also need a graduate student host in each space
during the panel presentations.  i am attaching the
schedule - if there is a panel that you would like to
attend, we would appreciate it if you could also be a
host in that space for that session.

we need a couple of graduate students to be hosts for
the presenters and guests who will be spending friday
night in riverside - to make sure they find a place to
eat dinner (and go to dinner with them) and get them
back to their hotels safely if they do not have cars. 

we'll also need people to help out with set-up and
clean up on both days.

i am attaching a volunteer sign-up sheet along with
the schedule.  this sign-up sheet will also be posted
on the t.a. office door next to the graduate student
mailboxes.  we will have a production meeting this
thursday at 1:30pm (location - tbd).  but if you are
unable to attend this meeting, you can still
participate as a volunteer...just let me know.

please let me know if you have any questions.
we truly appreciate your help and look forward to
seeing you soon.

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