[Dtsc-undergrads] [Statugstudent] Advertisement for IEEE Inland Empire Data Science Workshop on Nov. 18 and 19, Weekend

joyce.fu at ucr.edu joyce.fu at ucr.edu
Thu Oct 26 12:59:03 PDT 2023

Dear STAT students,

I'm sharing an exciting Data Science Workshop opportunity hosted by a UCR
faculty. Please see the detailed information below.



Dear all,

My name is Jia Chen and I’m an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the
Department of ECE at UC Riverside.

You are warmly invited to attend our weekend event: *IEEE Inland Empire
Data Science Workshop*, which is scheduled to take place on November 18th
and 19th in Winston Chung Hall (WCH), Room 205/206 @ UC Riverside campus. This
event is hosted by UC Riverside and sponsored by IEEE Computing Society
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Fund to be exposed to data science research,
and connected to computing faculty, industry researchers, and graduate and
undergraduate student researchers allowing students to establish
professional capital and networks. Please find more information in the
attached flyer.

If this is something you are interested in, please sign up at


or scan the QR code:
[image: qr-code-DWS-Registration.png]

*All the participants will receive IEEE certificates. The first 90
attendees will also receive a water bottle customized for the event! Food
and parking are free.*

We would love it if you could be a part of our event!! If you have any
questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us jiac at ucr.edu !
Find more information on the event website

We look forward to seeing you on Nov. 18 & 19 in UCR Campus!

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Jia Chen

Assistant Professor of Teaching

Electrical & Computer Engineering

University of California Riverside

*https://profiles.ucr.edu/jia.chen <https://profiles.ucr.edu/jia.chen>*
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