[CW-Grad] FW: New Writer contest opens today. Bulletin 70 follows.

Bryan G Bradford bryan.bradford at ucr.edu
Thu Nov 1 09:27:36 PDT 2012

From: Glimmer Train [mailto:noreply at mail.glimmertrainpress.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:50 AM
To: reader
Subject: New Writer contest opens today. Bulletin 70 follows.


Our beautiful big sister, Dabby, 70 this month

Dear reader,

Upcoming deadline:

  *   The Short Story Award for New Writers<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=10&F=H> (1st place wins $1,500) deadline is November 30.
  *   Open only to writers whose fiction has not appeared in any print publication with a circulation over 5,000.
Writing Guidelines<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=391&F=H>
  *   Winners will be announced in the February bulletin, and contacted directly one week earlier.
  *   NOTE: Power outages and worse have impacted millions in the eastern U.S., and writers have asked if the Family Matters<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=29&F=H> deadline will be extended. Yes: we understand that power is expected to be back up in a week so the deadline has been moved out to November 12th. We wish you resilience and good luck as you recover from the terrible chaos.

To forge a relationship between your characters and your readers, focus on what makes a character vulnerable. This is of the utmost importance. Your focus can be on physical or emotional vulnerability, but it has to be intimately tied to the character.-Bret Anthony Johnston<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=474&F=H>

Essays in this bulletin:


Natalie Sypolt<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=467&F=H>: There wasn't an epiphany, but a gradual understanding that to really be a writer, I had to get beyond my fear and write the truth. I don't know that I've accomplished this yet, but I am trying. (more<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=467&F=H>)


Josh Henkin<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=469&F=H>: They observe, often quite astutely, the characters that orbit around them and the world that these characters inhabit, but that's all they do. They don't act, in other words. They don't make choices, when choice, or moral agency, is at the heart of good fiction. (more<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=469&F=H>)


Maggie Shipstead<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=468&F=H>: If the language part of my brain stays switched over to writing mode and doesn't flip back and forth to jabbering/engaging/emoting mode, I have an easier time focusing. I learned this by accident. (more<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=468&F=H>)


David Ebenbach<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=470&F=H>: If any moment, any action, any consequence, any object in a character's life, is the result of many, many things, then it must be true that those things are present, at least by implication, in the moment itself. They've left their fingerprints all over it. (more<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=470&F=H>)

Results of the August Short Story Award for New Writers

Winners<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=471&F=H> and finalists have been notified, the Top 25<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=2&F=H> list is posted, and here are the Honorable Mentions<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=472&F=H>. This was an incredible batch of stories-our thanks to all of you for letting us read your work!

  *   1st place: Natalie Sypolt<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=467&F=H> for "My Brothers and Me"
  *   2nd place: Greg Schruer for "Third World Kroger"
  *   3rd place: Riley Johnson for "Up the Snowy Grade"

Feel free to forward this bulletin to your writer friends. As you know, the bulletin is free and meant to inform and to promote writers. (We never share your info.) People can sign up for bulletins themselves here<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=32&F=H>. Missed a bulletin? They're all archived here<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=14&F=H>.

Looking forward,

[Follow  glimmertrain on Twitter]<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=251&F=H>

Sisters and Editors

Glimmer Train has been discovering and publishing emerging writers since 1990.

  *   One of the most respected short-story journals in print, Glimmer Train is represented in recent editions of the Pushcart Prize, New Stories from the Midwest, O. Henry, New Stories from the South, Best of the West, and Best American Short Stories anthologies.
  *   Every story published in Glimmer Train is unsolicited. And every year, we pay out over $50,000 to fiction writers.


You are subscribed as MFAadvising at ucr.edu<mailto:MFAadvising at ucr.edu>

Please note that we never share your contact information.
CHANGE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS<mailto:editors at glimmertrain.org?subject=Email%20Address%20Change>: send us your old address and the new. Thanks!
Don't want to get our bulletins and reminders? UNSUBSCRIBE<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/unsubscribe.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=183&C=a8f6fe1540f06b6fd75d3082e48a493f> here.
Questions? Please check our straightforward FAQs<http://mail.glimmertrainpress.com/sendstudionx/link.php?M=10675702&N=512&L=9&F=H>; if the answer isn't there: editors at glimmertrain.org<mailto:editors at glimmertrain.org>.

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