[CW-Grad] The UC Graduate Student Bill of Rights

Andrea Gutierrez astridrea at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 21:15:43 PST 2011

Hi folks,

Not sure if any of you received this, so I'm forwarding it now. The UC
Student Association is drafting a Graduate Student Bill of Rights and they'd
really love your input. It's especially important for CWPA grads to do so
since there are relatively few MFA students in the UC and our concerns may
differ from those of PhD students. Please take a moment to check it out and
give them your feedback by February 4.

Happy weekend!


"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom."
- Anaïs Nin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: President GSAUCR <president.gsaucr at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 4:43 PM
Subject: [GSAUCR] The UC Graduate Student Bill of Rights
To: gsaucr at lists.ucr.edu

Dear Graduate Student,

    We, at the  University of California Student Association (UCSA)
are working to create a new Graduate Student Bill of Rights, and need
your input! As your elected representatives to the UC system, we want
to make sure that all of your rights as graduate students are
protected, and want to establish guidelines for equal treatment of all
graduate students across every UC campus and departments. Please take
a moment to fill out the survey (link below,) to help ensure that your
views are taken into account.

This effort comes directly from the agenda selected and voted on by
your graduate student representatives at the annual UCSA Congress this
past fall. Our goal is to have the UC Regents ratify a Graduate
Student Bill of Rights that protects the rights of all graduate
students, and that can be enforced uniformly across the entire UC

In order to best represent your values and address your concerns we
are seeking your input. The survey below will allow you to tell us
what rights you believe are most central to graduate student life.
Please provide as much detail as possible, including examples where
appropriate, in the text boxes supplementing some of the questions in
the survey.  Your response is anonymous, but if you would like to
become more involved in this or other UCSA efforts, there is a link at
the end of the survey where you can provide your contact information.

Feel free to contact us for more information. Our contact information
can be found on the UCSA website http://ucsa.org/contact.

Take the Graduate Student Bill of Rights Survey (closes on Friday
February 4, 11:59 pm):


In order to thank you for your time in filling this survey out, all
completed surveys will be eligible for a chance to win one of 3 $50
Visa gift cards!!  All UCR registered graduate students are eligible
to win.

Thank you for your time, and please feel free to contact Adam
Jackson-Boothby, UCR GSA EVP, at ucrgsaevp at yahoo.com.


The University of California Student Association

Adam Jackson-Boothby
Executive Vice President, 2010-2011
Graduate Student Association, UC Riverside


GSAUCR mailing list
GSAUCR at lists.ucr.edu
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