[CW-Grad] Link to wordlab:

Brenda Varda bvarda at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 1 11:35:00 PDT 2010

[::Sorry to repeat post but for some reason the link was not working]


Wordspace is hosting a summer writer's lab - wordlab : this group is
comprised of MFA grads and experienced writer's seeking critical support,
feedback, and space for readings and/or development.  Current lab members
are poets, playwrights, CNF-ers, fiction writers, Moth Slam Winners, and
solo performers --  

We're looking for a few more members; if you're interested check out the
info and application  at www.wordspace.net/WORDLAB   .   a couple of people
have asked about the application: this exists so that we can shape the
process for the members.  We've received some specific responses that are
key to creating the evening.  


 (Since this morning we're officially down to 2-3 spots -- since the goal is
for members to have sufficient time and feedback.)

The group meets on Monday nights at Wordspace in Atwater Village.  



Brenda Varda


Director - wordspace 


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