[CW-Grad] Snippets from colloquium...

Robin Russin robin.russin at ucr.edu
Wed Oct 21 23:54:03 PDT 2009

There were far more, but this is a start--

Johnson was silent, frozen like the bird had been. Tim looked at him  
and felt his cheeks get hot. "It was his fault. I was trying to help."  
Time paused. "Let's just go back to making the snowman."

	-- Melissa Harkness

What if there was a man -- a good man -- who has done right all his  
life. But he finds that he doesn't fit with the world. His thoughts  
are broken like bits of lead, and when he speaks he spits metallic  
words. Fixed like a wax dummy, propped up with lids help open by  
string. Looks alive, but has glassy eyes. What if this man couldn't  
find order in God's plan, so he decided to take action himself?

	-- Michael Carnick

I light the cigarette because I love smoking, because I love the  
motion, the snap of the lighter, that first inhale, the warmth in your  
throat and lungs, the different ways I can let it out, the balancing  
act between my fingers, the dangling between my lips while driving,  
the tease of the wind on my hand as I ash out the window, the red arc  
in the night, the way it's always there for me when I'm stressed or  
tired of full or waking up or a half-dozen other situations where  
Shannon provides no comfort but a slow, paced smoke while staring into  
the distance does.

	-- Leonid Leonov

The sound of carousel music is heard. It is playing faster that  
intended. It has a frantic discordant feel to it. The only visible  
image is a swirling, silver, moon-shaped object surrounded only by  
darkness; a whirligig spinning as if its only purpose is to hurl  
itself off its axis into oblivion.

	-- Joe Powers

I hope to find you in the nothing.
I hope you find yourself when you don’t have anything.
When you become the lonely child
that is forced to face the empty corner
until he’s consumed by the wall’s dirty places.

I hope you find yourself
after you have abused the abundance of the living.
Having turned giant mirrors made of gas and steel
towards the wrong side of the mountain.

	-- Yuri Lara

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