[Cwgrad-announcements] Fwd: Buckworld -- not to miss!

Robin Russin robin.russin at ucr.edu
Thu May 14 22:13:39 PDT 2009

I second that. Buckworld is a really stunning work.

Also, a reminder for the other theater happening this weekend -- I  
went to "Servant of Two Masters", and it was hilarious. Try to catch  
it before it's gone--it ends this weekend. I know the MFAs have their  
reading tomorrow night, but there will be Saturday and Sunday shows.  
Not often you get to see this on stage. And let all your students know!


Begin forwarded message:

From: <erithj at ucr.edu>
Date: May 14, 2009 8:06:18 PM PDT
To: Eric Barr <eric.barr at ucr.edu>, robin.russin at ucr.edu, rickerby at ucr.edu 
, haibo.yu at ucr.edu, root.park at ucr.edu, kate.anger at ucr.edu, patricia.ansuini at ucr.edu 
, dramacritic at cs.com, marc.longlois at ucr.edu, glen.dunzweiler at ucr.edu, charles.evered at ucr.edu 
, weiko.lin at ucr.edu, mark.valdez at ucr.edu, haibo.yu at ucr.edu
Subject: Buckworld -- not to miss!

Hi everyone,

I just thought I had to reflect on an incredible night of theatre at  
"Buckworld One" last night at UCR. Stu, Root and I were there, and it  
was an incredible experience witnessing Kerby's project. "Buckworld  
One" courses through African American experiences and addresses  
difficult themes of persecution, violence and peace building in the  
midst of that. The performers move at times with their bodies enacting  
texts without words and at other times with the poetry of Kerby's text.

If you haven't seen it yet, try and catch the work at Palm Desert or  
other upcoming locations. It's truly not to be missed.

Erith Jaffe-Berg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Theatre
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
(951) 827-4418
erithj at ucr.edu

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