[Cwgrad-announcements] Nicelle's Fish aka many yays for Nicelle!

Ching-In Chen chinginchen at gmail.com
Tue May 12 12:03:15 PDT 2009

Dear all:

Congrats to Nicelle for her many publications!

email soverynice at hotmail.com for notes & hellos etc!


Hello Everybody,

I just caught some fish and wanted to tell you about the
lakes and streams—so you might do some of your own casting in fishfull waters J

Breadcrumb Scabs
Issue 8 will include the poems When in
Doubt and Studies in Monogamy: Voles.

…This journal is great because it only takes them three to
four weeks to get back to you (immediate gratification is nice once in a while)

Umbrella Journal
will include My Love is a Red Red

…the editor of this online journal actually wrote me back
with a whole page of helpful and charming editorial suggestions. (Who does
that? So cool.) I recommend submitting here, just because she is so
nice.) http://www.umbrellajournal.com/

Redactions will
include the poem Carbon Monoxide
Poisoning in their upcoming “lyric poem” issue.

…Hey, we all seem to be lyric poets at UCR…THE DEAD LINE IS
COMING UP SOON…so if interested send your poems now!

Bad Light will include
the poem The Book of Judas.

…closed for submissions…but not for long…  http://badlightzine.blogspot.com/

Happy Galoshes and Earthworms to all,

Nicelle Davis
Ching-In Chen
THE HEART'S TRAFFIC (Arktoi Books/Red Hen Press 2009)

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