[Cwgrad-announcements] blog with all of our award winning work

Alexis Vergalla alexis.vergalla at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 13:51:22 PST 2008

Hello everyone,

Carly sent out the suggestion of having a website or blog for all of our
award winning/ published work, and possibly linking to the department
website.  This sounds good, and I've set up a wordpress blog for everyone to
feel free to post and use.  The domain is http://ucrmfawork.wordpress.com/
The login information is:  user name ucrmfawork  and the password

I think this is a good idea, but a few things to be wary of (and if this is
a silly of course we know this list, please pardon me):
If you are posting work that's being published, make sure to cite and link
to the place that's publishing, and give the appropriate info (reprinted in,
first published, etc)
Check the layout, it might go wonky on you.

Also, although Carly suggested that the grad rep post everyone's work... I
don't think I'll be able to handle that.  I'll help people out if I can, but
I don't really know that much about blogs etc.  If someone wants to set up a
more professional blog, feel free.  This is just what I did spur of the
moment. I have it coming back to my own email, and I figure we can change it
as the grad rep changes.

On that note, if anyone is interested in being the grad rep for next year,
let me know! Just trying to plan ahead...

Have fun with it!

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