[Cwgrad-announcements] 'Nuther screenwriting competition

rrussin at ucr.edu rrussin at ucr.edu
Wed Apr 30 10:00:18 PDT 2008

Dear Professors:
Below is information regarding the 2008 Creative World Awards (CWA) screenwriting competition. As the semester heads to a close, we would like to personally invite you to pass along this info to your students. We have partnered with many top level companies and executives to make this a particularly rewarding experience for our 2008 CWA entrants (see Moviebytes interview below). In the coming weeks, we will also be adding informative video interviews from several Hollywood executives & filmmakers along with interactive features each participant can take part in.  Entries are now open, and will run through July 17th. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Heather Waters
Special issue released April 27, 2008: MovieBytes Interview: 
An interview with Heather Waters Co-founder of Creative World Awards regarding the CWA screenwriting competition. www.creativeworldawards.com
Entries now open to the 2008 Creative World Awards (CWA)
The 2008 CWA winning screenplays will not only receive cash prizes and be sent to top agencies, major studios, managers, producers, and international financers, but this competition its first year out has secured serious commitments from major block buster hit companies to take first looks at our top three finalists (Icon, Voltage, GreeneStreet, Crystal Sky, Odd Lot, and more).
Q: Who sponsors this contest, and what is their background in the industry? When was the contest founded? 

A: In addition to very prominent companies and executives that have committed to take a serious look at our finalists, Marlene Neubauer and I are the key sponsors for the 1st Annual Creative World Awards. Marlene works as an independent producer and writer (with two films being set up for production this fall), and for over 15 years she worked in international film distribution for companies such as Capella Films (AUSTIN POWERS, MY LIFE starring Nicole Kidman, CARLITOS WAY starring Al Pacino); Pathe Distribution (IN THE CUT starring Meg Ryan, MAX starring John Cusack); Mobius Pictures (THE WENDELL BAKER STORY starring the Luke and Owen Wilson, BORDERTOWN starring Jennifer Lopez); and GreeneStreet Films (UPTOWN GIRLS, SWIMFAN and WEDDING DAZE starring Jason Biggs). My own background ranges from the performance side of film to writing and producing for television. If you wish, you can view the CWA website to get a more extensive list of our sponsors' edits. 

Q: What role do you play personally in the administration of the contest? 

A: Marlene and I share equal responsibilities as the directors. 

Q: Have any of the winning scripts from the contest been sold or produced? 

A: Not yet since it is our first year out, however, one of the areas that I think really sets our awards apart is that we have been able to get some very powerful companies on board, all of which have agreed to give serious consideration to our winning scripts. So, if the writers do their job, this is an awesome opportunity to generate some heat behind their name & script. 

Q: Who judges the early rounds of the competition? What are their qualifications? Who judges the final rounds? 

A: The first round of judging is done by hand selected, highly qualified readers and industry professionals. If your script advances to the quarterfinalist round, it will then be read by multiple industry professionals who will help determine which scripts advance to the semifinalist and finalist rounds. The top three will be read by leading industry executives not only for potential consideration, but also to help determine the winners of the 2008 Creative World Awards. 

Q: Do the early-round judges read the entire script, or do they stop after a certain number of pages? 

A: In our competition, even early-round judges will read the entire script. 

Q: Are the judges looking for any specific type of script? Are scripts of a certain genre more likely to do well? 

A: We're looking for original well written, interesting stories. All genres are accepted and welcomed. 

Q: What do you do promote your winning writers, and to publicize their scripts? 

A: At CWA, our job is to find promising new talent then follow that up by giving those that are ready, access and exposure to key industry people. Through the judging review process and post award circulation, our winning screenplays will be sent to top agencies, major studios, managers, producers, and international financers. In addition, the following companies have committed to give serious looks at our top finalists: Mel Gibson's Icon Films & Entertainment (APOCOLYPTO, PASSION OF CHRIST); Crystal Sky (BRATZ, GHOST RIDER, BIG STAN); GreeneStreet Films (UPTOWN GIRLS, SWIMFAN, TENDERNESS starring Russell Crowe); Voltage Pictures (FLYBOYS, PERSONAL EFFECTS starring Ashton Kutcher, THE MUTANT CHRONICLES starring John Malkovich), etc. Be sure and check out our website for the rest of this list along with the latest additions and updates. 

Q: What advice can you offer to writers entering your contest? 

A: Do the work, and then get it out there for key people to view and critique. It's a consensus among most industry professionals that screenwriting awards and festivals in particular are a very effective way to discover fresh new talent. So grind it out - do the work necessary, and enter a few of them each year. Not only does it provide a catalyst for meeting important deadlines, but it helps you hone your marketing skills, refine your craft, and most importantly, these awards offer talented new writers a radical alternative to get your scripts circulated and potentially even produced. In addition, I would recommend that you take some time to check out the video highlight portion of the CWA website. Beginning next week, we will have informative and inspiring interviews with key industry people that touch on important details of the entire filmmaking process.
Entries Now Open: www.creativeworldawards.com
Heather Waters/Marlene Neubauer
Creative World Awards

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