[Cwgrad-announcements] Jhumpa Lahiri reading in Los Angeles, April 17th 7pm

Ky-Phong Paul Tran thepaultran at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 9 01:34:38 PDT 2008

Anyone interested in going?  Student tickets are $10.
Here is the website.

I was hoping it would be free, being that it is at the Brentwood School, but I think it might be a fundraiser.  Not sure.  Just fyi, when the big hitters come out--Junot Diaz, Edward P. Jones--the crowds do get big and it's exciting to be around so many people who love books!

Holler if you're interested; we can go out in LA after.  You haven't lived till you've had a diddy reece cookie at 11:59pm.


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