[Cwgrad-announcements] Halloween Shindig

Alexis Vergalla averg001 at student.ucr.edu
Thu Oct 25 16:16:40 PDT 2007

  Hey folks...

  A note was sent out earlier along the students only
  list serv, but I know some people have trouble
  getting those, so here it is as well:

  Halloween Party! This Saturday, October 27th, at
  Chez Sundell et Vergalla (Jessi and myself).  The
  address is 1013 W Linden St (about two blocks from
  campus) and we are #12.  Costumes, of course, are
  mandatory.  We're figuring around 8 or so, and if
  you can and want to, please bring food or drinks. 
  We get a chance to see each other in classes and
  workshops, but here's a chance to kick back and get
  to know everyone a bit better.  Open invite to the
  entire department, and that includes faculty.

  If you can, and you haven't talked to myself or
  Jessi already, let me know off list if you're
  planning on coming.  Hope to see everyone out!


  alexis.vergalla at gmail.com

August now   apples have started
                               severing from the tree
over the deck  by night their dim impact
                                        thuds into dreams

-Adrienne Rich
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