[Cwgrad-announcements] Attention all THEA faculty and MFA playwrights: sign up ASAP on the contact list--

rrussin at ucr.edu rrussin at ucr.edu
Sun Oct 21 12:42:57 PDT 2007

--for the Skylight Theatre/Beverly Hills Playhouse development
workshops in Los Angeles. Val Stulman is coordinating it.

Even if you're not sure you can participate this next time, we
need a strong showing for this important opportunity, so there
will be more in the future, which hopefully you can take
advantage of. We also need to show our support by being part
of the workshop process and community. 

For students, this is about the next step: networking, getting
out into the world and building your professional lives
outside of the program. For faculty, this is our next step:
making sure our MFA continues its successful launching of new
talent, and making our presence better known and regarded.

We will do all we can to make transportation less of an issue;
I will see if we can get a UCR van to carpool.

Please send your info by Wednesday to:

Vstulman at aol.com



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