[Cwgrad-announcements] Our Lounge Does Exist!

Alexis Vergalla averg001 at student.ucr.edu
Mon May 7 15:40:03 PDT 2007

Hey everyone,

Natalie and I found the lounge after quite the treasure hunt.  You will be told, if you ask, that there is no such room as Speith 2915.  It is in the hallway of Speith 2700, a small off shoot hallway with about four other rooms, also 2900s.  So keep hope! It has a table, three beige chairs, one blue rolly chair, and a striped couch.  Plenty of of room to hang things (there aren't windows) and a telephone graces the mottled carpet.  Wireless (at least on my computer) is shaky, but there is an ethernet cord.  There are multiple electrical outlets.  



"Today it is christmas for some,
& for others wednesday, & for still others, if
there are still others, it is buttercup." -Jen Hofer

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