[Cwgrad-announcements] FW: Whitelephant Online - An opportunity for writers

Amanda J Labagnara amandal at ucr.edu
Wed Jun 20 07:33:28 PDT 2007


Dear Supporter of the Written Word:

I am writing to invite you and your students to take part in a new literary
community designed specifically to foster the written word amongst talented

Whitelephant Online (whitelephantonline.org <http://whitelephantonline.org/>
) is the brainchild of writers seeking to create an online environment that
is both encouraging and empathetic to gifted writers who are frustrated with
rejection letters citing lack of experience or unfamiliarity. Whitelephant
seeks to level the playing field and judge writing not by experience or fame
of a writer's degree, but solely by the quality of the writing. 

This project is several years in the making. Back in 2004, North Carolina
State University Creative Writing students Dana Dillehunt and Greg Behr
started an online literary magazine called The Yellow Light Movement. With
submissions from across the country and around the world, The Yellow Light
Movement was an early success. Unfortunately, due to other, lesser
obligations (like exams, summer courses, graduating...those trivial things)
the magazine ended after a little more than a year. 

Using The Yellow Light Movement as a learning exercise, we realized we
wanted to create not just a literary magazine, but a literary community. We
noticed that there were quite a few literary events in our surrounding
areas, but we had to search pretty hard to find them. 

We're still growing; we're still compiling our lists. We want to be an avid
part of the community; we're not here to promote our own work or even to
make money. We're here to create a community for writers of all kinds, to
promote and help writers, to band together for literary causes, to
contribute to the communities we live in. We're here to create a network of
support and assistance, and an awareness of local events. But, mostly, we're
here to write! 

Your help is absolutely imperative to this project's success. We ask each of
you to not only join our community, but to invite your colleagues, friends
and most importantly your students to join as well. 

We invite you to visit the community at www.whitelephantonline.org
<http://www.whitelephantonline.org/>  and look forward to continuing our
conversation in the near future.

Thank you,

Greg Behr
Co-founder/Marketing Director, Whitelephant Online 

Greg Behr
gebehr at gmail.com

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