[Cwgrad-announcements] Colloquium Tonight

mgros002 at student.ucr.edu mgros002 at student.ucr.edu
Mon Jun 4 10:46:05 PDT 2007

Hey Everybody,

If you haven't already heard from any of the playwriting grads or Alexis, there is a talk-back/wrap-up session tonight at 5 about Playworks. I assume all the playwrights will be going, including Brenda and Brian who are scheduled to read tonight. If you two go first, that might work, but I worry that someone might be cut short, and then a group will have to leave before Amalia's reading, which is not fair to her. 

I have a meeting until 5, and I really don't want to miss anyone's reading, so this email might be selfish on my part, but does anyone vote for having our last colloquium NEXT Monday (the 11th)? Or another day this week, if it's possible to get the room?

A long-winded ramble preempting a simple question. Typical.

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