[Cwgrad-announcements] FW: EXTENDED DEADLINE for GSA Conference Abstracts!!!

Amanda J Labagnara amandal at ucr.edu
Mon Feb 5 10:23:30 PST 2007




Dear CHASS Department Administrators,

Could you please forward the following message to all graduate students in
your department?

Thanks, GSA


The day to submit abstracts to the GSA Conference has been EXTENDED to

The GSA Annual Graduate Research Conference is an opportunity to showcase
your latest graduate research and potentially win a CASH PRIZE of over $150!



A Graduate Student Conference Examining Energy, Production, & Consumption 

Saturday, 17 February 2007
Engineering Building II

Don't worry if your abstract does not completely conform to all three themes
of "Energy, Production, and Consumption".  This is a multidisciplinary
conference, so stretch your mind to think of how your research could relate
to simply producing or consuming of information, knowledge, or aspects of
identity or human expression by means of social, cultural, historial,
political, artistic, bodily, philosophical, visual, or linguistic approachs.

Email your abstract to...

 <mailto:inputoutputucr at gmail.com> inputoutputucr at gmail.com

Abstracts of 250 words should be submitted by email to
inputoutputucr at gmail.com by Friday, February 9, 2007. Please specify whether
your proposal is for a presentation, panel, or poster.  FREE breakfast,
lunch, and an evening reception will be provided FOR ALL, along with a book
signing by our guest speaker, Jorge Cham, author of the PhD comic, piled
higher and deeper. There is no cost to attend or present at the conference.
The GSA hopes you consider submitting an abstract! Cash prizes will be
awarded for the best poster and powerpoint presentations from each college! 

Guest Speaker Jorge Cham
 <http://www.phdcomics.com/> http://www.phdcomics.com/




GSA Council Meeting
Surge 173
Wednesday (7 February 2007) at 6pm

Discuss graduate student concerns, vote on issues, and enjoy FREE PIZZA!  If
you don't know what the council meeting is, then you should attend and learn
how to designate a representative from your department!  Start your own
departmental mini-GSA...you can even get up to $100 per quarter for events
and activities!


Lauren E. Schwartz
PhD Candidate
Department of Anthropology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA  92521-0418
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