[Cwgrad-announcements] FW: Free Activism Training for Students

Amanda J Labagnara amandal at ucr.edu
Tue Apr 24 14:59:20 PDT 2007

Seventh Generation and Greenpeace are teaming up again to provide 200
students with an all-expenses-paid week of grassroots educational training
in Washington, D.C. Students may apply at http://www.Changeit07.org.

Change It is a great opportunity for your students to learn the skills and
tools they need to become effective leaders. Students will emerge from the
program ready to engage in the efforts to prevent global warming and
address the most critical environmental issues facing their generation.  

Please take a brief moment to let your students know about this exciting
summer training program. All expenses, including travel, room and board,
and the training program itself, will be covered entirely by the program. 

Please forward the following note to your students. Thanks!


Katie Flynn-Jambeck
Change It Coordinator
info at changeit07.org



I am writing to alert you about an exciting opportunity: 

Seventh Generation and Greenpeace are partnering to train and empower
student activists to become the next generation of leaders in the global
movement for change.  

We will provide 200 passionate students with full scholarships to Change It
2007, an intensive, all-expenses-paid week of grassroots training, led by
the experts at Greenpeace. 

Apply before May 15 at http://www.changeit07.org. 

All expenses, including travel to Washington, DC, room and board, and the
training itself, will be covered for 200 bold and visionary full- or
part-time students.

To apply, go to http://www.ChangeIt07.org

For a green and peaceful future,

Katie Flynn-Jambeck
Change It Coordinator
info at changeit07.org

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