[Cwgrad-announcements] 2nd year reading update

Alexis Vergalla averg001 at student.ucr.edu
Sat Apr 21 21:15:17 PDT 2007


Thus far, I've heard back from all the 2nd year students, except Heather.  If anyone knows her email address, can you please forward it to me so I can contact her?  

Now... 1st years.  If you'd like to introduce someone, please contact me.  Also let me know if you'll be able to attend the reading, so I'm not pairing you up assuming you'll come, and then someone doesn't have an introduction.  I'd like to say this is mandatory, but I can't make something mandatory.  Hopefully everyone will be coming though. 

The time break down- I think everyone will have 10 minutes to read, with a brief introduction.  That should work out evenly, as long as people keep to 10 or under.  I know that isn't long, but there are 13 readers.

May 17th, 6-9!


"Today it is christmas for some,
& for others wednesday, & for still others, if
there are still others, it is buttercup." -Jen Hofer

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