[Cwgrad-announcements] Joint Long Beach Reading

cwgrad-announcements at lists.ucr.edu cwgrad-announcements at lists.ucr.edu
Mon Apr 10 10:41:42 PDT 2006

Dear Classmates,

   In the fall, students from Long Beach State's MFA Program
asked us to participate in a joint reading and a few of you
expressed interest to Gaby and me about reading (the emails
are now long deleted so please excuse the mass email).  

 Last quarter, it was decided that Crate would host the event.
 So if you're interested still, please re-email Adolfo who is
now the contact person.

 If you have been fiending for a joint reading, please excuse
Gaby and me for our lack of response.  But feel good in
knowing that it might still be happening.  Have a great
quarter, writing and living.  

Sincerely yours,

Ky-Phong and Gaby 

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