[Corebotanyfaculty] BioRender

Bpschair bpschair at ucr.edu
Tue Nov 21 13:15:02 PST 2023

HI Everyone,  I’ve been contacted several times by a very persistent sales person from BioRender, asking if the department wants to explore department-level pricing to make the software more accessible.  He claims we are the highest using group on campus.

If you use BioRender and would like to explore a group pricing option, please let me know.  I have no idea what pricing discounts there may be — it depends on how much demand there is.  

Thanks, patty

Patricia Springer
Professor and Chair, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California
Riverside, CA  92521

pspringer at ucr.edu
bpschair at ucr.edu
951-827-4413 (Chair's office)
951-827-5785 (Faculty office)

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