[Corebotanyfaculty] Batchelor Hall updates

Bpschair bpschair at ucr.edu
Thu May 11 17:55:08 PDT 2023

Hi Everyone,

I have a few updates on Batchelor Hall renovation.  We have some very challenging times ahead

1. Building heat - we have had many problems with building heat since last fall.  The system has been failing and Facilities has been trying to keep it patched up and somewhat functional, with mixed success.  The heat pump has now completely failed and we don’t have any heat in the building.  There will be a new system installed in the main part of the building soon - I believe as soon as the electrical shutdown happens (see #2).  Unfortunately, this won’t fix the problem in the Phase 1 part of the building, but I have managed to convince the campus that the project needs to replace the system in that part of the building as well (shockingly, it was not part of the original scope).  I’m not sure about the timing for the Phase 1 replacement.

2.  Electrical shutdown - i wrote earlier about the plans for two power shutdowns in Batchelor and Keen Halls to connect the building to the new generator and emergency power.  The contractor was originally planning to do the shutdown in April but was delayed because of supply chain delays.
This is now expected to be the week of May 29.
There will be two shutdowns:

Day 1 - Tuesday May 30

  *   6am shut down main power to Batchelor and Keen Hall (4hrs)
  *   10am reinstate power to Batchelor Hall main building and Keen Hall (Phase 1 spaces in Batchelor hall with remain off for 1 week)

Day 5 - Saturday Jun 3

  *   6am shut down and disconnect main feeds to Batchelor Hall and Keen hall (15hr shut down)
  *   9pm reinstate new main power to Batchelor and Keen Hall from generator yard
  *   This time may be shifted, so that the shutdown happens Friday night, with power restored earlier on Saturday.  I will let you know when the exact times are know.

The contractor has a list of all equipment that will need generator power during the 15-hr shutdown, and I will be working with him to make sure our needs are accommodated.

3.  Elevator rebuild
The work will require the elevator to be unavailable for ~ 13 weeks.  Everyone recognizes that this will be a major major inconvenience, but apparently this are no alternatives.  I have asked repeatedly.  The contractor is under the impression that it is best to do this over the summer, when there are fewer people in the building.  I think this is probably best also, because there will be fewer students in the building, so perhaps we are less likely to have ADA accommodation needs.   However, they have to work around the scheduling of the lab move-in/move outs also, which is nearly impossible.

I think the likely scenario is that we try to move 3rd and 4th floor phase 3 labs as soon as possible (by mid June) and then have the elevator work done after that.  But there are challenges as we may not have enough space available.  I will know more about this soon and will update as I have information.

For now, I ask that you let me know what you think the biggest issues/challenges will be for your lab during the time the elevator is out of service. You can submit your response here:  https://forms.gle/DDdYwYivmgduagSn7

4.  Roof demo
The contractor would like to speed up the very loud and dusty work (jackhammering the concrete on the roof).  If labs in Phase 3 and Phase 4 can be without fume hoods for 6-7 weeks, the work can be done for both phases much sooner.  They would take the fume hoods off line in phases 3 and 4.  Fume hoods in Phase 1 are functional, and we have some vacant labs there that could be used in the interim.  This is of course a big ask, and may not be possible. But if it could be done, it will minimize the time when the building is exceptionally loud.   I will follow up with those of inn phase 3/4 to discuss feasibility.  Some of you may be moving soon anyway.

Thanks for your patience during this very difficult time.


Patricia Springer
Professor and Chair, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California
Riverside, CA  92521

pspringer at ucr.edu<mailto:pspringer at ucr.edu>
bpschair at ucr.edu
951-827-4413 (Chair's office)
951-827-5785 (Faculty office)

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