[Corebotanyfaculty] Need suggestions for upcoming PLBL grad program review

Bpschair bpschair at ucr.edu
Thu Mar 24 14:28:46 PDT 2022

Hi all,
We need to submit suggested names for our grad program review.  Please enter suggestions here:

Names need to be submitted by May 13, and will need to be vetted to eliminate conflicts.  The text requesting names is below.
They are asking for three topical areas - I suggest Ecology and Evolution, Genetics and Genomics, and Cell, Molecular, and Development.

Thanks, patty

The Plant Biology graduate program is scheduled for review by the Graduate Council during the academic year 2022/23. Your program was last reviewed by an extramural review team in 2013. The Senate is working to conduct your review remotely via Zoom in the Winter 2023 quarter. Please let me know if this time is problematic for your faculty.

An extramural team will be used to assist in the review. Please provide Sarah Miller (sarah.miller at ucr.edu<mailto:sarah.miller at ucr.edu>) with a list of at least 15 names of distinguished potential extramural reviewers, some from other campuses of the UC and the rest from other places throughout the U.S. Because we will use a three-member review panel, please divide your list of names into three topical areas corresponding to the organization of your program. It is important to have one UC reviewer who can advise the others of what is possible within the UC and of how the University works. However, no topical area grouping should include more than three names of UC faculty. The names of potential reviewers should be solicited from your entire faculty, and the list should be approved by the faculty, in part to assure that there are no conflicts of interest.

The Graduate Council would also like to ask that your program rank the list of reviewers based on the selection criteria of their academic, teaching, advising and administrative experience for graduate programs and any other additional information the program may have on the potential reviewers’ qualifications and the likelihood that they will be a productive member of the review team. Experience with running or advising similar graduate programs, the reviewer’s stature as a researcher in the field, and their ability to provide objective and critical reviews of programs should also be taken into consideration. Each of the three areas of your list should be ranked so that three highly ranked reviewers can be selected to review your program. Your rankings will assist the Graduate Council in selecting members for your review team.

The Graduate Council asks to be assured in writing that the proposed extramural reviewers can carry out a neutral review. The Council is specifically concerned with the following relationships with members of your faculty and potential reviewers: (1) personal friendships; (2) reviewer and UCR faculty member have been in the same graduate or postdoctoral program at the same time; (3) graduate research advisors or post-doctoral mentors; and (4) cooperative research efforts or joint textbook writing. If any of these relationships applies to a potential reviewer, the individual should be eliminated, or the Graduate Council should be informed of the facts of the relationship.

Please provide your list of extramural nominees by MAY 13, 2022.

Patricia Springer
Professor and Chair, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California
Riverside, CA  92521

pspringer at ucr.edu<mailto:pspringer at ucr.edu>
bpschair at ucr.edu
951-827-4413 (Chair's office)
951-827-5785 (Faculty office)

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