[CNASEMC] [eeoball] (Reminder) EMN Zoom Concur Travel/ Non-travel Reimbursement Office Hours Today

Katrina L Preciado katrina.preciado at ucr.edu
Mon Sep 25 08:11:16 PDT 2023

Dear All,

Sending a friendly reminder that every Monday and Wednesday I hold office hours for anyone who needs assistance navigating through the Concur system or has questions about travel and reimbursements. They are via Zoom (see link below) every week on Mondays and Wednesdays until 12/20/2023.  Please utilize this time if you have any questions about how to submit reimbursement request. I will NOT be providing status updates for trips already submitted. If you would like to check the status of your trip that has already been submitted, please see this brief tutorial<https://o365ucr-my.sharepoint.com/personal/jwestbr_ucr_edu/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fjwestbr%5Fucr%5Fedu%2FDocuments%2FTrip%20Status%2Emp4&ga=1>.

Weekly office hours via Zoom:

Office Hour Days: Monday and Wednesday

Office Hour Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm


Katrina Preciado

Administrative Assistant III

Purchasing Assistant

EMN Administration


2710 Life Sciences

900 University Avenue

Riverside, CA 92521

Phone 951.827.6043

Hours: 7:30am-12pm|1pm-4:30pm

Working Remotely: Mondays & Tuesdays

On Campus:  Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays

"Please Help Us Help YOU! If you are uncertain of what is allowable, Ask for PERMISSION instead of doing and asking for FORGIVENESS."

Virtual drop in office hours: M-F 9:30-11:00am & 2:00pm- 3:30pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 872 078 2872


Please be sure to send all requests and questions to emnadmin at ucr.edu
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