[CNASEMC] [eeoball] FW: Aflac Supplemental Health Plans – New Phone Number

Sherice P Underwood sherice.underwood at ucr.edu
Fri Sep 15 15:52:58 PDT 2023


From: UCRDBR <ucrdbr-bounces at lists.ucr.edu> On Behalf Of Departmental Benefits Representatives
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2023 2:55 PM
To: ucrdbr at lists.ucr.edu
Subject: [UCRDBR] Aflac Supplemental Health Plans – New Phone Number

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To: Department Benefits Representatives
From: Central HR Benefits Office on behalf of UC Office of the President
Re: Aflac Supplemental Health Plans – New Phone Number
DBRs please share this information via your internal department listserv.

UCOP confirmed an important change regarding the UC Plus Supplemental Health Plan customer service phone number.

Over the past months, UCOP noticed a significant decrease in call volume to the UC Plus Call Center. To streamline the customer service process and create efficiency for employees, it was decided to close the UC Plus Call Center effective today, September 15, 2023. Effective immediately, employees will call Aflac directly at 1-800-433-3036 for assistance with plan coverage and claim filing questions.

To ensure a smooth transition, UCOP has implemented a call-routing system that will run through December 31, 2023. When an employee calls the UCPlus Call Center (1-888-212-7201), they will receive an automated message directing them to either UCPath or Aflac, depending on the reason for the call.
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