[CNASEMC] FW: Staff Assembly Needs Your Help!

Katherine L Van Horn katherine.kaufman at ucr.edu
Tue Sep 5 13:46:57 PDT 2023

Staff Assembly is still looking for volunteers for the Community Partner Fair.  If you are interested, please make sure to speak to your supervisor about it first.

Kathy VH

From: Sa-staff <sa-staff-bounces at lists.ucr.edu> On Behalf Of Brianna L Morales
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 12:10 PM
To: sa-staff at lists.ucr.edu
Subject: [Sa-staff] Staff Assembly Needs Your Help!

Greetings UCR Staff!

Hope this email finds all of you doing well and having a great summer!

Our Staff Assembly,  Community Partner Fair is coming up on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, from 10a-2p at the Rivera Library Arches!  This event helps connect our staff with our local vendors and on-campus partners.  It's a great event to come out and meet the local businesses in our area as well as make some new connections with our on-campus departments. KUCR will be hosting music live, we will have a visit from the Tikiz Shaved Ice & Ice Cream Truck with free treats for our staff, and we will have lots of prizes from our vendors that will be raffled off at the end of the day.  We are hoping to get several volunteers to assist us with this event.

We still need help from volunteers! If you are available,  please feel free to sign up here: https://signup.com/go/urCfmLa

  *   To sign up, enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp)
  *   Choose your spots - SignUp will send you an automated confirmation and reminders.
(Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.)

There are still several volunteer positions and time slots to choose from.  Please feel free to share this information with any of your peers that may be interested in volunteering as well. We hope to see you there!

If you are unable to volunteer for this event, but you would like to volunteer for a future event, please feel free to complete our volunteer form here: Staff Assembly Volunteer Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHQ47lC7NKKf64bXlAubmjS2C0CZoZVUZa9gju-UtNlkb4Cw/viewform>

Thank you all for your continued support of Staff Assembly!

Kind Regards,

Brianna Morales
Director of Involvement & Recognition, UCR Staff Assembly<https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/>
University of California, Riverside
900 University Ave., Riverside, CA 92521

Phone: (951) 827-3187  | Email: brianna.morales at ucr.edu<mailto:brianna.morales at ucr.edu>
[UCRSA Logo 2 (1)]

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