[CNASEMC] [eeoball] Sign up to meet with Dr. Matt Forister

Christopher Cosma ccosm001 at ucr.edu
Tue May 23 12:57:53 PDT 2023

Hi everyone,

Dr. Matt Forister <https://www.unr.edu/biology/faculty/matt-forister> from
the University of Nevada, Reno is the EEOB (Biol 252) seminar speaker this
week. Dr. Forister's research addresses many aspects of the ecology and
evolution of plant-insect interactions--including specialization,
diversification, population regulation, phenology, and conservation.

His seminar (Thurs @ 4pm in Genomics and on Zoom) is titled: "Extirpation,
persistence and the fate of western butterflies in the Anthropocene."

There are still some open slots for individual meetings on Thursday.
Please sign up here.

Best wishes,

Christopher T. Cosma
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
University of California, Riverside
Personal website <https://ccosm001.wixsite.com/ctcosma> - Rafferty Lab
<https://raffertylab.ucr.edu/> - The Butterfly Net
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