[CNASEMC] [eeoball] BIOL252 Seminar Series: Thursday 5/18, Genomics Auditorium

Sergio M Maravilla sergio.maravilla at ucr.edu
Mon May 15 10:03:35 PDT 2023

BIOL 252 Seminar Series

When: Thursday, May 18th

Speaker: Dr. Sonal Singhal

University of California Berkeley

Seminar Title: "Why are there more of some types of species than others? An exploration in lizards & snakes"

Time/Location: 4:00 - 5:00 pm • Genomics Auditorium, 1102A

Also on Zoom:  https://ucr.zoom.us/j/99793771939?pwd=VmdwQUZRTnVOZXdMTDBlQldKbXBYZz09
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting<https://ucr.zoom.us/j/99793771939?pwd=VmdwQUZRTnVOZXdMTDBlQldKbXBYZz09>
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Meeting ID: 997 9377 1939
Passcode: 849765

For questions, please contact Host: Alan Brelsford, alan.brelsford at ucr.edu

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