[CNASEMC] Graduation Jars in 2425

Nikita McWells nikita.mcwells at ucr.edu
Thu Jun 1 13:51:19 PDT 2023

Hello EMC and GSAC -

Thanks to the talented Amanda, we now have graduation jars for Viviane and John. I am keeping the jars in 2425 (behind the picture of my kids), so that you can stop by and drop off money/gift cards at your convenience. If the office is locked, you may grab the key from the front office.

Please note that we are gifting these to the students during their GSAC/EMC graduation lunch on 6/15, so please have your gift in by 6/12 so that I have time to switch out the bills to one dollar bills to fill up the jars.

Thank you and see you on the 15th!

Best regards,

Nikita McWells, MBA

Graduate Student Services Advisor

CNAS Graduate Student Affairs Center

Entomology (ENTM) and Neuroscience (NRSC)

nikita.mcwells at ucr.edu | Tel: (951)827-6746

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