[CNASEMC] [Cnas_staff] State of the College - Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 1:00pm

Kathy Redd kathy.redd at ucr.edu
Tue Jan 24 08:29:48 PST 2023

I encourage everyone to attend in person or virtually.  We will either post closed notices or have the student workers hold down the fort.

                    From:       Cnas_staff <cnas_staff-bounces at lists.ucr.edu<mailto:cnas_staff-bounces at lists.ucr.edu>> on behalf of CNASDEAN <cnasdean at ucr.edu<mailto:cnasdean at ucr.edu>>
                    Sent:       Tuesday, January 24, 2023 7:45 AM
                    To: 'science_faculty_all at lists.ucr.edu'; cnas_staff at lists.ucr.edu<mailto:cnas_staff at lists.ucr.edu>
                    Subject:    [Cnas_staff] State of the College - Tuesday, January 31, 2023,  1:00pm
                    Attachments:        ATT00001.txt

CNAS Colleagues:


Join CNAS Dean Kathryn Uhrich, along with fellow CNAS faculty and staff, and campus guests, for the annual CNAS State of the College presentation.

The CNAS State of the College is scheduled to be in-person on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 from 1-2:30 p.m. at HUB 302 South.  CNAS faculty and staff that are not able to attend in-person will have the opportunity to attend via Zoom. In the days following the CNAS State of the College, a video recording of the presentation will be available here<https://cnas.ucr.edu/about/cnas-prime/CNAS-state-of-the-college>.

Whether you plan on attending in-person or by Zoom, please register<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzEUWIZNMCIBegQZ8zaAtkt8bZp4d2n9tb5qOclrOTn-dG8g/viewform> for the event. Light refreshments will be served, and therefore having an estimated headcount of who will attend in-person will be helpful. For those that will join via Zoom, the Zoom link will be provided to those that register<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzEUWIZNMCIBegQZ8zaAtkt8bZp4d2n9tb5qOclrOTn-dG8g/viewform>.

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