[CNASEMC] Joint Meeting Remote tomorrow

Mayela Giron mayela.giron at ucr.edu
Tue Mar 29 16:14:23 PDT 2022


This is great!  Thank you.  Looking forward to it.


From: CNASEMC <cnasemc-bounces at lists.ucr.edu> On Behalf Of Kathy Redd
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 3:47 PM
To: 'bsgsacstaff at lists.ucr.edu' <bsgsacstaff at lists.ucr.edu>; CNAS EMC <cnasemc at lists.ucr.edu>
Subject: [CNASEMC] Joint Meeting Remote tomorrow

Dear All,

Just in case you did not see it, the Joint Staff Meeting is remote tomorrow because EMC and I have to leave at 8:30 for a UAAC Staff Meeting (on zoom).  I will be remote all day but will be working my regular schedule.  The GSAC group will keep their meeting in the Huddle room at the scheduled time so that I can join virtually after attending UAAC.  Dawn will try to set up the Owl microphone/camera for the GSAC meeting.

I am ordering hot breakfast from Citrus Grove Catering for our meeting on April 6, 2022 "just to celebrate us". We will set it up in the Huddle Room for 7:30am service and people can get their food before traveling upstairs for the meeting in Batchelor 2158.


Kathy Redd, Director
Enrollment Management Center for CNAS
CNAS Graduate Student Affairs Center
1140 Batchelor Hall
Riverside, CA 92521
951-827-5621 (direct line)
951-827-5517 (fax)

Book an Appointment with me! https://doodle.com/bp/kathyredd1/kathy-redd-appointment-calendar

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