[CNASEMC] No More Wellness Check - COVID Screening Check

Kathy Redd kathy.redd at ucr.edu
Mon Mar 28 08:48:55 PDT 2022


Kathy Redd, Director
Enrollment Management Center for CNAS
CNAS Graduate Student Affairs Center
1140 Batchelor Hall
Riverside, CA 92521
951-827-5621 (direct line)
951-827-5517 (fax)

Book an Appointment with me! https://doodle.com/bp/kathyredd1/kathy-redd-appointment-calendar

Please be advised that the COVID Daily Wellness Check has just been updated and is now the COVID Screening Check<https://ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0pOB27zdrdkYxzE>. When you go to the link, you will be automatically directed to the COVID Screening Check.  As it indicates and as a reminder, highlighted below, the survey is no longer required to be completed daily, but only for the reasons indicated (positive COVID test, symptoms, exposure, and reporting required tests).

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