[CNASEMC] FYI campus announcement

cnasemc at lists.ucr.edu cnasemc at lists.ucr.edu
Thu Nov 12 10:13:14 PST 2020

Hi Kathy,

Did they say there is a change in policy this year in using sick time?  I thought we could not use sick time for curtailment days.


From: CNASEMC <cnasemc-bounces at lists.ucr.edu> On Behalf Of cnasemc at lists.ucr.edu
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 6:58 AM
To: 'bsgsacstaff at lists.ucr.edu' <bsgsacstaff at lists.ucr.edu>; CNAS EMC <cnasemc at lists.ucr.edu>
Subject: [CNASEMC] FYI campus announcement

Hello all,

If you have not heard through other sources, there will be an announcement this week about UCR curtailment in December.  I understand from the Chancellor that that there will be 6 days total and we will be able to use Vacation and Sick Leave for all of them.  I do not know yet which days they are requiring.  The mechanics of electing to take them without pay or the possibility of moving some of them due to operational need was not discussed, but I assume that guidance from HR soon.

There is also a likely possibility of additional days between January-June.  The announcement about the additional days will probably come after the holidays, but could be sooner.  Those may be a different scenario regarding leave substitution, but we will not know for sure until we hear more.


Kathy Redd, Director
Enrollment Management Center for CNAS
CNAS Graduate Student Affairs Center
1140 Batchelor Hall
Riverside, CA 92521
951-827-5621 (direct line)
951-827-5517 (fax)

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