[CNASEMC] FW: StayWell Tip - Tips for Working/Studying at Home - Make Time For Micro Lifts Throughout the Day

cnasemc at lists.ucr.edu cnasemc at lists.ucr.edu
Fri Aug 14 08:25:14 PDT 2020

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To:       Wellness Program Participants
Re:       Stay Well Tips
Tips for Working/Studying at Home
Make Time for Micro Lifts Throughout the Day

In self-isolation we start to miss “micro-lifts” that we do throughout our day without necessarily realizing it. It may be stopping by a coffee shop or interacting with a friend on the way to work. Staying home alone makes that more difficult to achieve. We need to create our own micro-lifts and generate a sense of achievement in minor ways.

Creative Micro lifts:
●      Sketch, paint
●      Play an instrument
●      Write letters
●      Play with makeup

Active Micro lifts
●      Dance
●      Clean up
●      Play with your pets
●      Indoor sports
●      Garden

Creating A Morning Routine & Regular Hours

Get dressed
Set an alarm for your usual time and stick with a morning routine. Shower, eat, make the bed and get dressed. Do not stay in your pajamas.

Create a schedule for everything and follow it, even when you’re not working or studying. Writing down when you have to complete your other obligations (bills, chores, meal times), can make your work and study times more productive.

Plan out your week
Have a schedule for your week as well as your weekends. Having a combination of structure and variation can help you stay settled but stimulated.

Keep A Dedicated Office Space

Work Space
Dedicate a desk for work use. Have a desk ready with your supplies and clear of personal items. Create some signals for work and personal time. When your laptop is on your desk, it’s work time. When it’s on your lap, it’s your personal time. Ensure that this space is professional, private and out of the way. If needed, talk to your family about this designated space and your rules for it.

Mental and Physical Breaks

Take breaks in their entirety
Make sure to take breaks, especially your lunch hour. Use the apps TimeOut for Mac and SmartBreak for Windows to lock yourself out of your computer for 60 minutes. You can also use a simple clock or timer. Make sure to physically step away from your desk and work supplies.
To download: TimeOut <https://apps.apple.com/us/app/time-out-break-reminders/id402592703?mt=12> and SmartBreak<https://inchwest.com/smartbreak/>

Engage with Nature & Pets
During study and work breaks, engage with nature and pets. Go hiking, garden, and ride bikes. Take your dog out for a walk to get them to exercise. While we’re advised to self-isolate, it’s still important to get outside for fresh air.

News and Social Media

Limit your news intake
Don’t get drawn into a negative spiral. Self-isolation provides us a lot of time to think and check on world updates. While working, we can manage our anxiety by limiting exposure to media coverage. A constant stream of reports can cause us to feel anxious or distressed. When taking breaks, rather than going on social media, connect with friends and family through phone calls.

Clean up your social media
According to data from social media analytics, there were 19 million mentions related to COVID-19. There is a battle with misinformation that triggers many feelings of fear and anxiety. Clean up your social media by following credible, authorized sources.

Don’t Hesitate To Ask For What You Need
Reach out to department leads, coworkers, supervisors, Teaching Assistants, Professors, etc. for help. Don’t be afraid to ask for the right monitor, keyboard, mouse, software, etc. To get your job done comfortably, make sure you have the proper equipment for working remotely.

What To Avoid & Other Positive Study Break Activities
Some other healthy activities are tidying up, cooking healthy meals, meditating, expressing yourself through creativity, and playing board games with children and family members.
Avoid snacking on junk food, taking naps during breaks, in-taking excessive amounts of caffeine and having huge meals. Make sure you’re getting sleep and taking care of yourself.

We hope you find these tips and resources helpful. UCR Healthy Campus<https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/> and the Faculty/Staff Wellness Program<https://hr.ucr.edu/about-us/workplace-health-wellness/wellness> remains committed to the health and well-being of the campus community.
If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to reach out to healthycampus at ucr.edu<mailto:healthycampus at ucr.edu> or wellness at ucr.edu<mailto:wellness at ucr.edu>.

Stay safe and healthy!

Julie Chobdee, MPH
Wellness Program Coordinator
Human Resources/Workplace Health & Wellness
University of California, Riverside
1201 University Avenue
Suite 208
Riverside, CA 92507
Phone: 951.827.1488
Fax: 951.827.2192
Email: julie.chobdee at ucr.edu<mailto:julie.chobdee at ucr.edu>

Please visit our Healthy Campus website<https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/> and contribute to creating a culture of health!

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