[Chemistry_faculty] Fw: December Curtailment and GSR Employees

Kathy J Carrington kathy.carrington at ucr.edu
Mon Dec 18 12:55:31 PST 2023


Please review the important information from Kathy Redd regarding GSR timesheets and the campus curtailment.

I understand this may be duplication information but we want to be sure everyone is aware of the working/leave options for GSRs.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Kathy Redd directly.


Kathy J. Carrington
Financial and Administrative Officer
Department of Chemistry

From: Cnasdeptadministrators <cnasdeptadministrators-bounces at lists.ucr.edu> on behalf of Kathy Redd <kathy.redd at ucr.edu>
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 2:33 PM
To: cnasdeptadministrators at lists.ucr.edu <cnasdeptadministrators at lists.ucr.edu>
Subject: [CNASDeptAdministrators] FW: December Curtailment and GSR Employees

Dear CNAS Department Administrators,

The message below was vetted and approved by Academic Personnel and Graduate Division.  It went to Chairs and all GSR supervisors who currently have GSR employees or have GSR employees in Winter 2024.  You are welcome to forward it to staff and faculty as needed.


Kathy Redd, Director

Enrollment Management Center for CNAS

CNAS Graduate Student Affairs Center

2430 Life Sciences


Riverside, CA 92521


951-827-5621 (direct line)

951-827-5517 (fax)

I am on campus M-F 7:30-12 and 1-4:30pm.  Mondays I am in GEO 2312  and the rest of the week in Life Sciences.  You can meet with me in person, on Zoom, or by phone

Book an Appointment with me! https://doodle.com/bp/kathyredd1/kathy-redd-appointment-calendar

From: Kathy Redd
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 2:31 PM
Cc: Agdean <agdean at ucr.edu>; PHYSCIdean <physcidean at ucr.edu>; Studentdeancnas <studentdeancnas at ucr.edu>; Jennifer V Farias <jennifer.farias at ucr.edu>; Joyleen R Salas <joyleen.ashburn at ucr.edu>; LifeSciDean <lifescidean at ucr.edu>; Graddean <graddean at ucr.edu>; Patrick A Napier <patrick.napier at ucr.edu>; Esperanza I Steward <esperanza.steward at ucr.edu>; Michelle Calanchini <michelle.calanchini at ucr.edu>; Emma H Wilson <emma.wilson at ucr.edu>; Kate Sweeny <ksweeny at ucr.edu>
Subject: December Curtailment and GSR Employees

Dear CNAS GSR Faculty Supervisors and College Leadership,

Some of you recently asked for guidance on how to handle the December Campus Curtailment/Holidays for your GSR employees.  I am attaching the GSR Holiday Article 14 from the UAW contract for reference.  This information only pertains to the GSR Employees position and not to any graduate student academic efforts.  Please feel free to schedule a meeting with me if you have more questions:

GSR employees receive the following paid University Holidays in December/January (they are not required to work):

  *   Monday, December 25 for Christmas Day
  *   Tuesday, December 26 for Christmas Eve (due to Christmas Eve falling on Sunday this year)
  *   Friday, December 29 for New Year’s Eve (due to New Year’s Eve falling on Sunday this year)
  *   Monday, January 1 for New Year’s Day (If they have a GSR appointment in Winter 2024)

During Campus Curtailment Days of December 22, December 27, and December 28, GSR’s can work regular hours (as defined by the percentage of their appointment) if needed for the research function.  If they are required to work, the Supervisor should advise them of the need to work to maintain the research function.

If a GSR requests to use PTO (2 days for a Fall 2023 appointment) and has not used those days already, then the Supervisor may approve use of 2 days of PTO for 2 of the campus curtailment days.  Since there are three campus curtailment days this year, if the student uses 2 PTO days, they would still be expected to work one of the days or take leave without pay.  Supervisors should have a conversation with their GSR employees to determine if they will take any PTO days and then ask for a written notification that they can approve. In the case of a GSR with remaining vacation days they may use vacation.

If the research function requires that any GSR employee to work any of the paid holidays, they are entitled to an alternate day off during the appointment period (by December 31, 2023) to be agreed upon between the Supervisor and GSR employee.

Kathy Redd, Director

Enrollment Management Center for CNAS

CNAS Graduate Student Affairs Center

2430 Life Sciences


Riverside, CA 92521


951-827-5621 (direct line)

951-827-5517 (fax)

I am on campus M-F 7:30-12 and 1-4:30pm.  Mondays I am in GEO 2312  and the rest of the week in Life Sciences.  You can meet with me in person, on Zoom, or by phone

Book an Appointment with me! https://doodle.com/bp/kathyredd1/kathy-redd-appointment-calendar

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