[Ccbseeds] [SEEDS]: Outdoor Activities Training Suggestions

Caryn Iwanaga ciwan001 at ucr.edu
Fri Jul 8 17:26:58 PDT 2022

Hi SEEDlingS!

I hope your summer has been going well! Outdoor Excursions and UCR’s Office
of Sustainability are collaborating to host training sessions for students
who are new to field work. Could you please fill out their Google Form <Hi
all!! I hope your summer has been going well! Outdoor Excursions and UCR’s
Office of Sustainability are collaborating to host training sessions for
students who are new to field work. If you guys could fill out their
suggestions form (https://forms.gle/ovj857bQjf8PDqFd8) with anything you
would like training in. Some examples of their current ideas are (1) how to
set up a tent, (2) what good to bring on camping trips, (3) what clothes to
bring, etc. They’d like to hear back from us by (Tuesday) July 12th. Any
input would be greatly appreciated> survey with suggestions of training
that would benefit you.

Some examples of their current ideas are (1) how to set up a tent, (2) what
good to bring on camping trips, (3) what clothes to bring, etc.

They’d like to hear back from us by (Tuesday) July 12th. Any input would be
greatly appreciated!


Caryn Iwanaga
'22 - '23 President of SEEDS | University of California, Riverside
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