[Ccbseeds] Fwd: FW: Application for Stipend Support for Student Advisory Board to Increase Diversity in Ecology and Environmental Biology

Advyth Ramachandran arama031 at ucr.edu
Fri Feb 4 11:13:00 PST 2022

Hi SEEDS students,

This opportunity may be of interest to you!

Advyth Ramachandran
Vice President | SEEDS Chapter, University of California – Riverside
B.S. Biology 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <markos at ucr.edu>
Date: Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 10:51 AM
Subject: FW: Application for Stipend Support for Student Advisory Board to
Increase Diversity in Ecology and Environmental Biology
To: Advyth Ramachandran <arama031 at ucr.edu>

Hi Advyth,

Could you forward this to the SEEDS students



*From:* Francesca Hopkins <fhopkins at ucr.edu>
*Sent:* Friday, February 4, 2022 10:10 AM
*To:* Samantha Chi-Yun Ying <samantha.ying at ucr.edu>; William Porter <
wporter at ucr.edu>; Peter Homyak <phomyak at ucr.edu>; Loralee Larios <
loralee at ucr.edu>; markos at ucr.edu
*Subject:* Fwd: Application for Stipend Support for Student Advisory Board
to Increase Diversity in Ecology and Environmental Biology

Hi all,

Please share with any undergrads you think would be interested. Would be
great to have UCR represented on this committee!


*We are currently looking for 15 motivated, creative, and energetic
students of color* to help us refine our understanding of diverse student
experiences in EE by participating in a Student Advisory Board (SAB).  The
term for this participation is at least one year for which includes a
stipend of $1000 for your collaboration with the UNIDE team.

*We are a diverse team of ecologists, environmental scientists and social
scientists* working on the NSF-funded project UNIDE -*Undergraduate Network
for Increasing Diversity of Ecologists* on the following goals:

   - To identify the barriers and challenges that must be overcome in order
   to support participation of under-represented people (based on ethnicity or
   race) in the study and practice of Ecology and Environmental (EE) fields
   - To characterize the ecological identity, or sense of social belonging
   in EE to include the values of under-represented people with the goal of
   developing effective interventions to identified barriers and challenges
   for recruitment and retention of diverse people and to revise current EE
   curriculum to include broader values
   - To build a sustainable and interdisciplinary network of faculty,
   students, and practitioners in ecology/environmental Science
   (EE), educators, and social scientists committed to maintaining broad
   ethnic, racial and cultural inclusion in ecology and environmental sciences

*Expectations of Student Advisory Board members:*

The SAB will organize meetings to identify and prioritize factors that
affect diverse students’ recruitment and retention in EE fields. Work
expectations (~2-4 hours per month) for SAB participants include attending
and conducting monthly meetings to discuss and provide feedback to the
UNIDE Steering Committee on topics that include:

1) potential effectiveness of ways to increase access to EE career
information and EE internship opportunities,

2) effectiveness of interventions developed to increase cultural
sensitivity of environmental teaching practices, and

3) implement and monitor social media outreach to EE students and
practitioners to help build interest in ecology and environmental science

Please click here
<https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_43px6Ki3MlP1OKy> to fill out the
attached application for participation in the UNIDE Student Advisory Board by
February 28, 2022.

*Zakiya H. Leggett, Ph.D.*

*Asst. Professor, Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Resources*

*Office of Faculty Excellence (OFE) Faculty Fellow*

*Campus Director, Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program (DDCSP)
- https://go.ncsu.edu/dorisduke <https://go.ncsu.edu/dorisduke>*

*Program Coordinator, Scholars for Conservation Leadership Program (SCLP)
- https://go.ncsu.edu/sclp <https://go.ncsu.edu/sclp>*

*Lead PI, NCSU National Needs Fellowship (NNF) Program
- https://go.ncsu.edu/nnf-ncsu <https://go.ncsu.edu/nnf-ncsu>*

*zakiya_leggett at ncsu.edu* <zholmes at ncsu.edu>
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