[Ccb_gsr_listserv] CCB Gear Library and Field Accessibility Survey

Catherine Nguyen tnguy240 at ucr.edu
Thu Mar 10 16:44:07 PST 2022

Hi everyone,

A group of grad students in CCB (Annika, Elijah, Clara, Miranda, and
myself) have been working on building a gear library for UCR students. The
goal of this gear library is to provide undergraduate and graduate students
across UCR with access to field gear at no cost, mitigating a barrier to
getting involved with field research and field courses. We plan
to establish a small-item closet that students can borrow gear from, while
big-ticket items will be loaned out by Outdoor Excursions, who have agreed
to use lab FAUs to cover the cost of the rentals. More information about
the gear library can be found in the PDF attached.

We are planning to host a fundraiser/donation drive mid-Spring quarter and
would like to know what items are in most need, as well as other barriers
that students experience to partaking in field work.

If you are interested, please fill out this survey
<https://forms.gle/jBrm12rH5Adczcnk7> and share with your undergraduate
students and other departments.

If you have any questions, please email Annika Rose-Person at
arose012 at ucr.edu or me at tnguy240 at ucr.edu.

Best wishes,
Catherine and Annika

*Please do not feel pressured to respond if this email finds you outside of
your working hours. I tend to send emails at odd hours or on
weekends/holidays, but am mindful of others' schedules. I patiently await
hearing from you.*

*Catherine (Thien-Y) Nguyen*
PhD Candidate, She/Her
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Saltzman Lab
University of California, Riverside
*tnguy240 at ucr.edu <tnguy240 at ucr.edu>*
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